This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. New planet travel system: with new Rimworld releases and many mods constantly altering the game start procedure this has been reworked into a more easily maintained system that lets you start a new game with your old ship by editing the scenario, adding a "Load ship" part and selecting your ship. In order to have access to mutliple colonies, change the maximum colony setting (in Options/Gameplay). RimWorlds engine was not set up to handle multiple planets, and Ive had to dig deep into the games guts to make this mod work. You will, however, need to start a new save in order to use this mod, as it adds a new work type to the game. NDQ3YTZkOGI2YTUwZTIxNmRiZjhkNGFmZGYxZmVlMTM1Yjc0OTA0ZWJjYmQ1 to use Codespaces. Save Our Ship 2 is an epic mod that adds a whole new way to play rimworld. You can heat up a few rooms with Vents (but ensure that before you set a vent into a wall, you dissemble the wall and build hull underneath it, then place the room vent to equalize temperature. This will cause the building process to fail, as the hull cannot be fully enclosed. The minimal ship doesn't provide as much opportunity to find space missions, enemy ships, or trade beacons. OGQ0NjRlODg1NzJkMDBhZDgxNzFlNWM2ZmMzZDEyMmE2MTMwZGJmMmRmMTA1 This mod is compatible with existing saves, it does not require you to start a new game. Reworked salvage system: gone are the days of pushing a button and getting a shipload of resources. The stellic guardians do not need to be loaded into the shuttle, even if they are still alive. Depending on how many weapons and shields you have, this could be a small investment of space or make up more of the ship's mass than any other single system. If you are using third-party mods which explicitly . NjZjMGYwYjhjM2EzMDBmMTRiYmEyOTk2ZTFhZDZjZjFjNzg0MDRkMDdlYmM4 You'll want, at the very least, Plants, Construction, Cooking, Medical, and Intellectual roles to be fulfilled. Like a single gauss round or laser etc. Scenarios are saved alongside worlds, so when you grow tired of living on a planet where every corpse explodes, you can pack up and leave, secure in the knowledge that it will be just as explodey when you decide to return. It is a good idea to have more than one Shuttle Bay, so you can deliver resources concurrently and go to ship anytime. Extendability: while not perfect it is now easier to mod in new types of ship buildings or adding EVA functionality to other mods. Recycles oxygen in all fully-enclosed ship rooms. 2: Meteor event will occur naturally after 100 days. Build an orbital fortress, explore the wreckage of ancient ships, battle pirates or become one and travel back and forth between distant rim worlds! Build an orbital fortress, explore the wreckage of ancient ships, battle pirates - or become one - and travel back and forth between distant rim worlds! This means that you can use the same room as your count. This is in addition to the relic, brought items, and animals. It runs rather long, but if you're someone who has wanted to take a look at the mod or have questions about how . Defenses: Like ground maps, a ship can encounter hostiles. Environmental controls: the "exterior temperature" of the space map is -100C. Production/storage: if you have space and power generation left, converting part of the ship into a workshop and storage area allows you to make the ship, theoretically, self-sufficient. Formerly our Deputy Guides Editor, she can now be found at IGN. At the time of writing, every mod on the list should be compatible with the latest 1.3 update. While most of these issues can be solved with the dev mode or some minor save editing, no support will be provided in this case. Managing O2, Energy and Heat. Space is cold. A drop pod raid ruining your recreation room will make everybody suffer. Whenever all your colonists are dead, kidnapped, or have left the planet, your colony is now abandoned.The wanderer event or refugee chased quest can rebuild the colony again. You can build a 3x3 area inside your surrounded by ship radiators to vent heat. See #List of items for how much you can bring at a time. Last but not least, EXPECT TO EXPAND! Mental breaks slow the caravan down, but minor and major breaks are otherwise harmless. Docking ports: allow you to temporarily connect ships by using extenders with breathable air up to 3 tiles away and can also connect to each other. It is wise to make Engines with at the minimum a small room with two airlocks. The credits will list colonists who died to commemorate them. Hugslib has been removed as a required mod., Each colonist or animal requires their own. Its safe to install or uninstall mid-game. The RimWorld Base is a website for all the latest Mods, Scenarios, Guides, Tools and tricks. There are also a bunch of new apparel and equipment options and new events. Make a separate save while NOT IN A SHIP BATTLE before switching to this version and unsubscribe from SOS2 on STEAM! Bring animals that you can feed. Mod list (Preferably a RimPy compatible list.) It may destroy you, or communicate with you directly, or transport your consciousness to another plane of reality. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Also delete all other parts like start with. Alright, so you've survived raids, mad animals, and a few table-less nights and now you want to to ascend to the stars? Torpedoes are always effective, but need to be reloaded and can be shot down by lasers (but that stops a laser from firing at you). MjVmYzUxOTQ2MjRlZmNiMmMxZTRmZTVkODhkZTg3NmNhMmI1NzdmNWZlZDhk Subscribe. 3: Go into space and scan for a ship encounter signal ''unknown signal'' (Hard encounter) DO NOT FRIGGEN USE! This story is over. If youre a modder who wants to create your own enemy ships, check out the SoSCK: You may join our discord here: Official Discord for SOS2. Rimworld is a colony management game with a very simple premise you must ensure the survival of a ragtag bunch of colonists, each with their own randomly generated skills, backstories, and idiosyncrasies. RimWorld's Biotech update also adds horrifying mech bosses, Once you choose your Hogwarts Legacy talents, you're stuck with them, Choose your Hogwarts Legacy house and wand wisely, there's rules, Unnamed win FFXIV Race to World First, but Yoshi-P isn't happy. Ensure that there are no basic walls or buildings (nutrient paste dispenser, etc) in the space you are building your hull in! Get your shields up. The fanmade wiki also tracks compatibility issues users have encountered with other mods here. The raids will be just as large as a regular raid, with access to all of the same strategies and arrival methods. You won't have access to any pre-existing defenses in your colony, so you will have to rebuild accordingly. Counting all available DLC, there are 3 distinct ways to see the credits screen: There are also two other ways to get a form of game over: Colonists left behind after a ship launch or the royal ascent quest can continue the colony where it left off. Random fleet system: face off against randomly generated fleets of ships in various configurations and sizes. You can reach the ship as soon as the quest spawns and you have the physical ability to make the trip. Vents heat into a heatsink network if available, or into the surrounding room if not. Finally, you can draw your Hull Plating on the insides of your enclosed hull. Pilot Learn more. Grazers are preferred. You can easily ally any faction within 66 tiles by loading a transport pod full with valuable goodies like flake. READ CAREFULLY AND IN FULL BEFORE DOING ANYTHING: SOS2 EXPERIMENTAL is the maintained version of Save Our Ship 2. If you want someone to scan, you can make a zone that excludes real research benches. Provides atmosphere containment and armor. Steel can be mined or deconstructed at the landing site, reducing the weight per pod to 9kg. The high stellarch will now welcome you into the Imperial flotilla as an honored noble party. Generally, the most difficult material to get are the advanced components - you'll want multiple crafters and multiple fabrication benches to manufacture them. Capacity: 750 HU. Large Heatsink Getting even simple aspects for example, the vanilla faction manager to operate across worlds was a headache and a half, and ship combat requires even more changes to the fundamental game. journey offer) and building your own ship give the same ending. . 3. Efficiently stores up to 100,000Wd of energy. When departing a world, you can transfer ownership of your colony to an allied faction, and if you decide to return it may have become a thriving settlement of that faction. It's terrifying. Performance optimizations: from faster EVA checks to a completely rebuilt ship combat system - a lot has been done to improve the performance of this mod. ZmE1ODdiNTkwZWIyNDZhMzI5MjY0ZThlZWM0MmVkODMzYTI0OWMxZWE2Yzcy If you intend to travel to another system, a large cargo hold also allows you to load up supplies and materials for setting up a surface colony at whatever world you arrive at. I recently started on the sos mod in my modded playthrough but don't really know where to start and how to build my ship is there a guide that I can follow? Hospitality fixes this by giving you the ability to build guest rooms, to tell guests where they can and cant go, to designate items in an area as buyable, and to improve (or damage) your relation with a faction by having someone dote upon them. Bring bedrolls so that your colonists do not sleep on the ground (construct the bedroll, then uninstall it to bring as an item). It might find a prosperous planet for you in this system, Or, it may undertake a centuries-long journey to another star. sign in Sometimes, your colonists arent so smart. - More Map Sizes. MWNiYWExYzczOTY0YjJhNzcyMmE4Yjc2Y2QxM2VmOWUwZDFhMTFhNjczY2Jl Once youve built a basic ship and launched it into orbit, it plays a number of roles: as a (relatively) safe place to store a small amount of loot/colonists, a resource sink as you expand it into a full-fledged space station, and most importantly a launch point for orbital quests and ship battles, and a quick way to reach any spot on the planet. However, several of the more complicated mods require you to install Harmony and occasionally Hugslib, which are both libraries that provide functionality to your mods. Humans require 2 meals a day, so that's 24 lavish meals if none of your other colonists are eating them. There are also Solar Cells which are capable of sustaining most ships in the small category and are always good to have around, though they will compromise armor with weak spots on the outer hull. A hyper-advanced computer core that houses a peak-human-equivalent machine persona. You will still need the required technologies and resources to do so (these are listed on each blueprint). Popup text when there are no controllable colonists left. Note that some mods that do work with the STEAM build might not with SOS2EXP - particularly mods that alter, extend or otherwise interact with SOS2. Awaken the archonexus core, unleasing insurmountable power into the world. Most likely, it will be drop pods that are the greatest threat to the noble's life. Railguns work best at long range, plasma at medium and lasers up close. If required, fine meals will provide a net 3 moodlet when ingested. You'll have to make a caravan and send stuff this way - flake is great due to how light it is. Propulsion: Technically speaking, a . Again, since interstellar travel isn't a requirement with SOS2, this is a relatively low priority thing that generally requires you have everything else on this list nailed down to a decent extent in order to be able to seriously consider since you'll arrive without a colony to sustain the ship. explore the universe and fight your enemies as you build the best fighting ship ever seen! With the Biotech DLC, it is likely that some or all of the stellic guards will be hussars. "X is broken/not working" tells us nothing. New boarding system and defense (this can be disabled in options): instead of landing in open space when the target ship has working engines, pods will now target the outer rooms. They would wander into your map, stay around for a little while (usually in front of the turrets or out in the rain) and then wander off home. Dylans Children, School and Learning mod adds pregnancy and children to the game, though thankfully they somehow pop out as fully formed teenagers, which wed encourage you to avoid picturing in your head. You can build blackboards and school tables where your colonists will teach skills to children but theyre only capable of learning for one year before becoming adults. Capable of scanning the interiors of enemy ships and observing sites from orbit. Engines need to be refueled when used for any reason, which makes their setup tricky in combat as you need to be able to refuel them without putting your pawns at risk. ZmUwNjdmYmI3NGY5MDlhMDdmOWM4NWNmODllMmMwNjRhODExNWFjNDc3MTYw Once the onslaught is over, a shuttle will come pick the stellarch and your colonists up. If you've built the ship on an established colony, then you should already have general defenses against raiders. MGNhNjE1ODZhNGQ0ZjhiNDRmNzRjYjVhNDk0ZTQzMDFjYWI1OGZlZjc4ZmFh You can also research Coloured Lights and turn your colony into a garish nightclub. As such, a fair portion of the ship will be dedicated to both power generation and storage. This precept can be removed at the start of the game, but otherwise cannot be circumvented. For a small ship with 1-2 people, this is relatively easy to fulfill, but larger ships with over a dozen crew quickly demands ever larger space for the above. MTVhNTYyYzJiNDY2NGM5MmY5ZjA3YzJjNWUyNGI5Y2Y5MTkyMDM1ZmMwZTY5 6. For raiders, the stellarch isn't treated any differently than a regular colonist. After your Walls and Floors are done, a Ship Roof is applied automatically. Life Support Just make sure you bring enough fuel. The High Stellarch must be kept above 25% average mood for the duration of his stay. Suitable for medium-new players and people who have never touched the SOS2 mod before. I decided to go ahead and create a mod walkthrough of the Save our Ship 2 mod as I could not find one currently available on Youtube and I see people periodically asking questions about the mod here. MDcxYTRkZGVlNWIyMDY2ODRiYjQ4ODQ4ZGEyMWEwYWY3N2VjYzcwZTFkMTNl 4. You can store colonists and items on your ship and travel to distant worlds, leaving your colonies behind in the hands of allied factions but you can always come back and visit. MTkxOTc0N2YwMDljMGM2Mjg2NTA5ODI1NDkzZTYyOTYyYmRjNTI5ZThhYzA2 Persona core. The goal of Vanilla Rimworld is to build a ship and make it off the planet - but Save Our Ship massively expands the mid to late game by letting you pilot this ship yourself . Many thanks to the ship wrights that helped with this: HG, Oninnaise, UrbanMonkey, VVither_Skeleton. More discussions. Wealth directly contributes towards the size of the raiders via the raid points mechanic - tribals stuck with short bows are ill advised to enter the ship's tile. OGYyNzVmOGYxZjMyYzNjNTJiNzQ1ZmU3MzZmZjhhNTA0YmYyN2FhOTVhMTc1 Should work with pretty much every mod unless it changes ship countdown. Without a shuttle bay, you'll have no way to get up to your ship. Your mods need to be loaded in a certain order, and library mods must load before the core game itself, but as of the Rimworld 1.1 update theres an auto-sort option to shuffle them into the correct order. The ship launch is the 15-day activation period of the ship reactor. Save Our Ship Simplified Mod. This mod serves as a comprehensive overhaul of spaceflight. A hullfoam dispenser is also useful here in that it automatically plugs a hull breach during combat to buy you time for repairs later. Manhunter packs and infestations will not happen because of the ship launch, though the storyteller can still cause these events to happen. The choice is up to you. NDQzNjFkYTIzNTJlZDk4ZThhYTgzMDE2M2E5OWUzZGIwZGIwMDQ5MGIxY2Y2 Pod launchers and transport pods take a total of 110 steel, 2 components, and 150 chemfuel to carry 150kg of weight to 66 tiles. each time i try to load a starting thing where i start in a space ship or space it just shows a pitch black screen and wont start, not ganna try launching my own space ship bec its prob ganna fail and my save gets corrupted, so, not ganna try that. Receive a weekly update of the latest RimWorld Mods and Updates! You will not need Coolers, but you will need Ship Radiator to move heat from inside your living areas to space. Host the High Stellarch, and leave the rimworld on a shuttle. The credits roll as the ending theme song plays. It can automatically turn itself on and off to reach a specific target temperature. Make a separate save while NOT IN A SHIP BATTLE before switching to this version and unsubscribe from SOS2 on STEAM! Ultimately, you should not have to feel forced to establish a second colony - it's disabled by default, after all. Provides atmosphere containment and armor. Depending on the AI storyteller settings, your experience might fall anywhere between wholesome farming sim and relentless cascade of disaster. It's fully compatible up to the latest patch and even the Royalty expansion, and can work with other mods as well. Endgame text for Ship Launch on new ship or from Journey Offer. The Vanilla Expanded collection is a huge collection of mods that expands the game in several new but carefully balanced directions. In vanilla RimWorld, the ships only purpose is to serve as an expensive win condition. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Upload your own content or check out what others have to share! This spawns an item stash quest, which will be guarded by a few raiders. Your count/countess does not have to stay alive in order succeed the quest. Does not work in the dark or under artificial light. We recommend trying the mod-free experience first, and gradually adding mods once youve tucked a couple of vanilla Rimworld colonies under your belt, and moved on emotionally from the harrowing tales that have emerged from your adventures. Capacity: 150 HU. Do you need to like, give up your original settlement/base? It takes roughly 22 days from failure to get this quest again. Ship Capacitor Array Horses or other ridable pack animals like donkeys are highly recommended to speed up the trip, though they must be fed when unable to graze. It is also overall less maneuverable than the large bridge, but it's smaller, cheaper, and consumes less power. Couples can share a royal bed, but your count and the stellarch will need separate rooms. After an enclosed room is made, add the Hull Plating. Capable of detecting nearby craft and observing sites from orbit. Propulsion: Technically speaking, a ship isn't a ship without engines, but engines are generally optional outside takeoff, landing, and in-combat maneuvers. Research, player faction data, and pawn relationships are all carried over. A legendary gold plate armor and crown, thrumbofur formal shirt and pants, and hyperweave face mask are worth 37,890. Keeping them inside a bedroom should be enough for the purposes of safety. SOS2 settings have been reset to their defaults as we now use the native RW mod tools. Firstly, set your entire ship to be your home area. You can trade those sweet drugs for components and plasteel, with the shuttle too! Seems simple, but its incredibly useful sleek and unimposing, Wall Light can be placed anywhere on a wall, removing the need for ugly lamps that take up space. Like with any colony, a great dining and recreation room goes a long way towards improving colonist mood. 2. Random wreck system: generates wrecks from ships in the database for you to explore and loot. The requirements for launch are much simpler in SoS2 than in vanilla. Colonists have pretty unreasonable expectations for the size of their rooms, given theyre trying to survive a crash landing rather than picking out an AirBnB. Nobody can predict what happens next. Simply costs Plasteel and Steel. We recommend testing a few at a time as theyre almost certainly not all compatible. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Even in the base game, there's always a chance that the stellarch is a teetotaler, so plan ahead. You can leave a pawn at the colony if you feel the need to go back at any time. A chemfuel-powered engine capable of launching a ship into orbit. Of enemy ships and observing sites from orbit smaller, cheaper, and anyone marked a. - it 's disabled by default, after all marked as a creator give the same ending might a! Expands the game in several new but CAREFULLY balanced directions 'll have to share strategies arrival! 'S disabled by default, after all against randomly generated fleets of ships in various configurations and sizes journey )! Serves as a regular colonist Each blueprint ) an honored noble party or communicate with you directly or... Sos2 than in vanilla RimWorld, the stellarch is a teetotaler, so can! So ( these are listed on Each blueprint ) you bring enough fuel be removed at time! 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