And later that night after the party Haber takes a bunch of sleeping pills 'cause he's asleep, um, and she takes his service revolver. They start disagreeing with each other. Well what's the noble cause in this case? You're going to keep giving what? Obviously no need to be alarmed, that was not a real shot. What follows is this ongoing conversation between Job and his friends about why does this happen? 2012-06-22 . But that's just a- those are fantasies. And, you know, it's a craft, but it's a craft with consequences. With AI, blockchain, and quantum technology, IBM is developing smart, scalable technologies that help businesses work better together. And today, evil? Thanks. He knew about it. Finally acknowledging, "Yeah, that's true." Meaning to life to reveal itself in a way that restores order and gives us hope that all of this isn't just meaningless chaos. And what happens is that you're- you're elbowing the nit- nitrogen apart from itself and then, forcing it to bond with a hydrogen in a new way. They were gagging, they were choking. And he wrote this graphic novel that I read about one of the most prolific serial killers in U.S. history; Gary Leon Ridgeway, the Green River Killer. And if they didn't go on, if they resisted, the experimenter would break out prod number two. Now the volunteer couldn't see the guy he was shocking, but he'd definitely hear him. And he ran them through something like what you and I just did. with Lulu Miller, and Latif Nasser. There's a pause and my father just says. He figured maybe 1% of these men would keep flicking these switches up to the highest voltage, but that's not what he found. Radiolab believes your ears are a portal to another world. Leaving his son alone with his dead mother. So, you see, it's just in that one experiment that 65% of people are willing to go all the way. We lived together for a couple months, he was very aggressive, he started calling me a whore, and told me he didn't love me anymore, so I broke up with him. Well the thing that haunts me about the why question is that I'm reminded of one of the oldest stories in the Bible, which is the story of Job. My dad said, "I don't want to talk about it." All right, so I'm going to talk to you over this intercom, okay? And then he just trails off. And this is necessary in order to advance our noble cause.". I got those all at night, mostly. Well, we'll have to discontinue the experiment then. Was it nice day? And oddly enough, we came- got a really interesting take on the true nature of badness from this guy. Who they would kill, where they'd do it, when. But if you think that's the right thing. Sixty-five percent-, To shock their fellow citizens, over and over again-. Terms and conditions apply. Clara, also from Breslau, also from a Jewish family. In Shakespeare, or life. When I stand before you, judges of Israel, in this court to accuse Adolf Eichmann. Radiolab is supported by Audible. Um, although there's some (laughs) [crosstalk 00:02:19]. She was one of the first women to earn a PhD in her country. He's bald. And it gets even more disturbing for my father as the conversation suddenly pivots to another victim. This actually brings us to our first top of the hour, so just to set it up, Robert, I'm going to give you this piece of paper here. He said that if I ever had a relationship with another man, he was going to send videos of us having sex to all the people in my university. Probably have, but in case you haven't. He has such great faith in me." Although, clearly, on some level they know it isn't. I'm good. But this is why this is such an interesting guy, around the same time, officials in the U.S. government are calling him a war criminal. You know, he takes over leadership in this institution in Berlin and he starts hobnobbing with a whole different level of society. But if looked at from another perspective, there is a sense in which you could celebrate what they're doing. Also from, uh, a Jewish family. Radiolab is supported by Casper. And once again, another nitrogen compound. Yeah. Because it's like we started with this experiment that we all see as evidence of humans' latent capacity for evil. We begin with a chilling statistic: 91% of men, and 84% of women, have fantasized about killing someone. We did a show called The Bad Show. But as the play goes on, you begin to think that maybe that's just another lie. And it's kind of surprising, a lot of them are really positive, even though they've just been told that they were duped. And he was someone who had very big ambitions. This is a 20 year old female. I knew she had a daughter and-. It is still trotted out to explain everything from hazing to war crimes. Said- said, "Yes, I've thought about killing someone.". And, "Because women have stepped on me all my life." Sounds insane. Yeah. Alex Haslem, Professor of Psychology at the University of Exeter. These violent delights tienen fin violento. One of the reasons it grows, is because it's sucking up all the nitrogen in the soil. This is Radiolab, and today we're going to get back, so to speak. When Lucy was only two days old she was adopted by a psychologist and his wife who wondered: if given the right environment, how human could Lucy . Of course normally just have one experimenter who's giving you these instructions. Haber starts thinking, "In order to do this we need to pressure this, we need to put it under a lot of pressure.". So, the subject seemed willing to shock another human being, but as soon as you say it's an order. Then he goes and, you know, and celebrates that. He stirs up hatred between friends, between lovers, he even schemes against his own wife. Come over now.". No reason. Trivalent. When you call someone then you're kind of done with them. I'm Robert Krulwich. [inaudible 00:59:22] it's building up [inaudible 00:59:24]. You're going to keep giving him what, 450 volts every shot now? He seemed calm. What you know-". And then it was several hours later, in the middle of the night, that I got the call. For information about Sloan, at If you think that science is worth pursuing, you say, "Okay. And that's all the difference in the world. Let's expect more from technology, let's put smart to work, visit to learn more. Zyklon A, which was originally just a pesticide-. I mean-. It's about 1880. You literally get a drip, drip, drip, of ammonia. And Christensen, I dated her several times bef- three times- two times before. Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. Radiolab is supported in part by the National Science Foundation and the Alfred P Sloan Foundation. Finally, acknowledging, yeah, that's true. And in the trial, when the prosecutors, essentially, ask him how you came to commit genocide he would say, over and over again-. Now, as we sort of know in life, lots of things that we if they're worthwhile doing, they're not always easy. Um, this is one of the things that's, uh, this was one of the things that's sparked my interest in the topic of murder. Quite literally. More energy than seemed, like, possible to make. There's lots and lots of lessons here, but one is I think when you're enjoying to do something for the greater good, maybe ask yourself the question, "What is greater, and what is good?". Before the guy is cut to shreds, he's allowed to confess, "I heartily regret the fact that I killed the young maiden or defamed the king." And you tell us, "Actually, no. Well, I mean, I know that sir, but I mean, he's up to a 195 volts. Yeah. And we end with the story of a man who chased one of the most prolific serial killers in US history, then got a chance to ask him the question that had haunted him for years: why? Cruelty, violence, badness. Radiolab. Okay, it's all right, but we've got to know that. This has allowed the world to have 7 billion people. Why did you do this?" This was one of the bloodiest arenas on the, uh, Western front. That's my opinion that's where I'm going to stand on it. It is a, the- the critical- the critical force prod. Hi, my name's Josh and I'm calling from Harlem, New York. You know what's going to happen if she [inaudible 01:02:25]. Now we don't exactly know why, there are hints of reasons that maybe he thinks Othello's sleeping with his wife; we're not sure. Stanley Milgram took electric shock very seriously. Was he grappling with something? I- I- I would say in a powerful mood. He just kind of went crazy. What's interesting is that how all of these struggles, all of them, play out the same way. Gary had denied this to his own lawyers. Uh, Haber it's unknown what happened for the rest of that evening, but it is a well-documented fact that the very next morning. So in the end, where do you come down? Hey wait! Equal Housing lender licensed in all 50 states. And he says, "Can I come over and sleep on your couch? And to this day they have not talked about that day. You better check in on him sir. No 'cause if you couldn't afford a ticket for a play, you'd seen all the plays, in the 1500s you could always go to a public hanging. And-. Meaning, any idea what was in his mind? Yeah. Why did you take these women off the streets and wanted to destroy them? This next part's a little graphic. WNYC is America's most listened-to public radio station and the producer of award-winning programs and podcasts like Radiolab, On the Media, and The Brian Lehrer Show. Speaking with Carol's mom, Carol's little daughter-, Killed her. On the other hand, if anyone could do it-. But- but there's part of me that says, you know, here's a guy who just wanted to do everything better than had ever been done before. Iago. This is RadioLab. We'll basically bring it to the front, and when the wind is right, we'll just spray it. He walked out of the room, and just started weeping. I- I know it was more than [inaudible 00:59:44]. Want to talk about bad people in Shakespeare. On the other hand, if anyone can do it-. He would dance around things. The Green River murders terrorized Seattle in the 1980s. Especially because she found out he was leaving the next day to direct more gas attacks. And actually, this wasn't just the German thing. We thought that maybe as- as we turn a corner ourselves, we should refresh. And then, it was several hours later in the middle of the night that I got the call. They're supposedly chums, but General Othello has no idea that Iago-. Is that nitrogen is [tryvalent 00:31:48]. That allows an individual to act inhumanely? Hey this is Jad, RadioLab is supported by IBM. with the ideas that people would do bad if they think it's good, it's a good noble cause. Fact is if you don't continue, uh, we're going to discontinue the experiment. You know, he's a man adrift. If any sizable fraction actually acted on their homicidal fantasies, the streets would be running red. I knew what he was capable of, so I suggested that we go out for a walk. Then the executioner castrates you, cuts you open, and takes out your internal organs, and then separate your head; which is put on a post. He didn't really want to cop to everything that he did. That was just for those of you haven't heard it yet, this is a kind of a rush through a- through sex reproduction. Just to back up for one second. You're telling this [inaudible 01:02:30]. And what happens is that your elbowing the nitrogen apart from itself, and then forcing it to bond with the hydrogen in a new way. That I remember picking her up and-. More information about Sloan at So Stanley Milgram actually begins these experiments-. Is that how you say that? Well, you know, you can see that's a good thing. David had always known this guy to be pretty mild mannered. Under some circumstances we don't do the bad thing we're told to do because" here's another flip "We don't have to be told. Yeah. Thank you Ben. I don't know, I would rather have scientists who carry doubt with them as they proceed, I-. [2] That's what you do. And that's what Shakespeare did in all his plays. But in experiment number three, if they put the shockee in the same room with the shocker so the shocker could actually see the person as the shockee. And 84 percent of the women. Then you left some space at the bottom for them to elaborate if they said, "Yes. In a rage, uh, how? He would change where the shocker and the shockee sat. With my arm. And the number of chemical reactions. We should say that this next section of the program has some references which are extremely graphic and not to everybody's tastes. But even with all that gore and horribleness, there was often a moment that people waited for. My dorsal hair stood up when I read the end of this. The reason why he's telling all this stuff is because he has cut a deal. The Bad Show Publication date Mon, 09 Jan 2012 05:00:00 +0000 We wrestle with the dark side of human nature, and ask whether it's something we can ever really understand, or fully escape. in this episode we begin with a chilling statistic: 91% of men, and . Um, we lived together for a couple months. Within minutes the gas reached the Allied side. I dated her several times a year. And I used to socialize with him and his wife. The questionnaires they filled out are part of the Milgram archive at Yale. Oft have I digged up dead men from their graves and sit them up right at the dear friend's door. The first victims of the Green River killer were found in the summer of 1982. Uh, we ask "Who did you think about killing?" By this point, David moved on to a new university and he's teaching an introductory psychology class. What kind of tech company does the world need today? We decided to shake things up at the show.bear with us. Especially when it came to one particular fact. But in a famous incident, one of England's leading scientists refuses to shake his hand. Yeah, I don't think we quite [crosstalk 00:49:32]. And I- I killed her. The general's name is Othello. You've touched me. Terrestrials: A New Kids Show from Radiolab. Now, we're seeing about a 100 million tons of synthetic fertilizer produced industrially each year and that tonnages then moves into our food source. How many times would they shock that sad-. According to some accounts, as they crept across no man's land. Although once again we're getting a little ahead of ourselves. God. And that we're not going to be shocked with anything-. Very distinctive looking man, bald on top, trim nice mustache, wore a little [pince-nez 00:28:20]. The subjects are 40 males between the ages of 20 and 50. Um, I got a little, uh, I- my- this is my dorsal hair stood up when I read the end of this. Maria Matasar-Padilla is our managing director. And on June 13, 2003, Gary was secretly taken out of his jail cell, and brought to a sort of very nondescript, concrete, ugly office building. "I just needed to kill because of that." Just push the button that corresponds to the right word. It was actually a crushing blow for- for him. Around this same time, officials in the US government are calling him a war criminal. They couldn't deploy it. And he believed it. She was a- I knew she had a daughter in the last [crosstalk 01:01:03]. Hmm. It's a graphic or an illustrated novel. Wow. It makes up four out of every five or so molecules that we breathe, so it's very-. It's okay to admit this. He had an experimenter who wasn't a scientist, but was a member of the general public. He gets promoted to the rank of Captain. "This was exactly what was in my mind. I'm going to give you a little, uh (laughing). New York Public Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline, often by contractors. And then, and- So, he says that and you're like, "Okay. And once again, another nitrogen compound. But he organizes soldiers, he organizes whole gas units. This is Radiolab and today talking about? Times. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. He was trying to repeat this master stroke. Oft have I digged up dead men from their graves and set them upright at their dear friend's door. But, you know, over the entire ocean there's a lot of gold dissolved into the sea. So, go to or text Radiolab to 500500 for a free 30 day trial and a few audiobook. Speaker 2: He claimed they were in the middle of a sex act, he would get distracted, something would happen, he just kind of went crazy, he had snapped; and almost blaming the victims. I mean, that was make believe. This is what totally pulled me into the story. Natural deposits would be like seaweed or-, Actually two nations in South America went to war-. Go to or text Radiolab to 500500 for a free 30-day trial and a few audiobook. All rights reserved. "Well why can't you deal with it in a normal way?". And you find yourself in a situation where you've got to do something that's hard. Cruelty, violence, badness. And then the final one-. And "Well, why the rage?" We realize this is hard work, but what you are doing is for the good of Germany. In those days if you're a convicted male felon, you are, you know, strung up by- You're not allowed to hang till you die. She says, "What happened today?" I don't think I ever had a fantasy that anatomically specific where I would see the part of the other person that I was going to stab or plan it like that. Wow. Obviously no need to be alarmed. And there behind the German lines is-. Birds would just fall from the air. It's 9:24 hours on June 17th, year 2003. I left him, went home. Radiolab is a radio program produced by WNYC, a public radio station in New York City, and broadcast on public radio stations in the United States. The expectation is somebody is made to make his peace with his maker before he dies; that's what you do. We will begin with this test. For much the same reasons. His experiment remains one of the most famous experiments of the 20th century. Because the thing that you put into the ground to grow more food is also the thing you can explode to make a bomb? Okay. Do you leave this experiment in a light mood or in a dark mood overall? Takes away his wife, his children, all his material possessions. And "Because women have stepped on me all my life." So, as we begin this episode of the Bad Show, check out The Blank Slate by Steven Pinkner, one of the world's leading experts on language and the mind. Um, could you just- just tell me, uh, the little story that you begin your book with? Prosecution, [crosstalk 00:12:03] the Attorney General. Milgram staged the whole thing like it was some experiment about memory and punishment, but of course it wasn't about that. Gary is dancing around this topic, Gary had denied this to his own lawyers. Just give me your finger, [crosstalk 00:09:28] I'm going to-. Radiolab Presents: More Perfect - The Gun Show 69:05 : Feb 23, 2018: The Curious Case of the Russian Flash Mob at the West Palm Beach Cheesecake Factory 00:00:00 : Feb 19, 2018: Smarty Plants 34:54 : Feb 13, 2018: Ghosts of Football Past 36:40 : Feb 3, 2018: Radiolab Presents: More Perfect - One Nation, Under Money 55:04 : Jan 31, 2018 And while David's sitting in the bedroom with this friend, the guy looks up at him, and he says-, Like through his teeth, "I'm going to kill her.". Thousands of people have done it before you. My students are murderers.". And what makes a bad person so bad that he's different from the rest of us? And- and part of the problem here, and although, once again, we're getting a little ahead of ourselves. He stirs up hatred between friends, between lovers. Hundreds of them were falling to the ground. He was doing his great science work right around the turn of the 20th century; so right around 1900. He goes straight to the German [inaudible 00:36:56] and- and he pitches this idea. Yeah (laughs). Hmm. even past when they were screaming in pain. And according to some accounts, as it crept across no man's land-. WNYC's Radiolab The Good Show Hosted by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich Jan. 01, 2012 The standard view of evolution is that living things are shaped by cold-hearted competition. But it's suspected that it could be upwards of 75. And at the very end of the play when everyone finds out what Iago's done, Othello asks him, "Why? He actually was very humiliated, uh, that Germany had lost. I think they have to be extreme in the extreme. Yeah. Did members of Haber's family die in the concentration camps? You know, I'm really proud of Job. Eugene [inaudible 01:07:32], Sierra Hahn, and everyone in the manuscript and archives department at the Yale University Library. But the questions in the air, at the time, were very real. Two more minutes. What makes a bad person so bad that he's different from the rest of us? You've touched me. He says, "Well, we can drive those enemy soldiers out of trenches with gas. Gary says, "I needed to kill." Okay? A hero. Yeah, necrophilia. And then, realized that he had to leave the house or he was going to do damage to her. But every time the experimenter pulled out the fourth prod, and this was confirmed when the experiment was redone in 2006, total disobedience. There's a lot of black and white thinking happening right now. Which is a- a fairly small, you know, a small sort of town. All rights reserved. Despite the chlorine gas. Investigating a strange world. Uh, when- when asked how close she came to killing him, she estimated 60%. And I basically spent the next half hour walking around with him trying to cool him off. She expressed disapproval about his clothing choices. But the generals were not all that convinced? And it becomes Zyklon B, the killing gas of the concentration camps. Because, ultimately, the play offers up a reason for his nastiness. You know, on the other hand, I mean, if you look at the grand calculus, people he's he-helped or fed versus people he's killed, I mean, he's got fed billions of people, I don't know that you could entirely call him bad. And today evil, although, I don't know if that's the right word for this next thing. Sap in the next room just because they were being told to? This episode of Radiolab, we wrestle with the dark side of human nature, and ask whether it's something we can ever really understand, or fully escape. And he did too. Scattered One dead dad. In a way we wait for it still. Even past when they were screaming in pain. And I used to socialize with him and- and his wife. And that's what Shakespeare did in all of his plays. He- he loves the fatherland and he loves Germany. Um, "Demand me nothing. Now, as we sort of know in life, lots of things that we do, if they worthwhile doing, and not always easy. I'm almost done, guys. There's something deeply, deeply wounding, stressing, upsetting at the thought that he had anything to do with zyklon B; but he did. Nitrogen is an essential part of amino acids and proteins. Just trying to imagine that. All right. They were gagging, they were choking; hundreds of them were falling to the ground like-. If I don't leave my house right now, I'm going to kill her." So, you know, around this point, I just don't want to have anything to do with this guy. So- so first of all, could you just like, uh, when did he live and what did he look like and that kind of stuff? And then, walks away from his child and his wife dead in the garden and says-. TRANSCRIPTS We are working to provide transcripts for as much of our programming as we can over. And he believed it. The Bad Show Jul 27, 2018. Break out prod number two the critical- the critical force prod from Harlem, York. Little story that you put into the story it, when work right around the turn the! 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