The path your partner would like to see your relationship follow, 8. Sixth Card is the best way to use advice at present. Heres a spread anyone can do that really gets down to the nitty gritty on something you know a lot about: you! Shuffle, pull, and reveal the answers. For all the looming, more daunting questions and problems in our lives, we have the giant 12 card, 20 card spreads. Learning the art of prediction through them. What if I created a more intentional morning ritual? .tarot-banner-container .left { Focus on what you would like to accomplish before then and find out what the next year might bring. The Tetraktys Tarot Card Spread is an advanced Tarot Card Spread and requires ten Tarot cards. Over the years I kept so many tarot journals that I decided to combine my favorite spreads, readings, tools, and templates in a 50-page printable Tarot journal (for sale on my Etsy store) so you can enjoy it too and learn Tarot in no time! If youre prepared to receive a wake-up call first thing in the morning, this is definitely the Tarot spread to add to your morning routine. Card 7 (faults and weaknesses of your life) on the left-hand side and Card 3 (goals, spiritual enlightenment, knowledge, and wisdom) on the right-hand side of card 1. And if youre a beginner, doing this card-a-day exercise is a great way to create personal meanings of the cards. This is a Tarot Card Spread, and this can guide you through your spiritual journey and the Cards are usually arranged in the following manner. This is a simple 3-card spread that can give you deep insights into what youre really thinking and how youre feeling. Inside youll find space for daily Tarot journaling, along with monthly Tarot rituals, over 32 spreads, the Tarot Card of the Year, and so much! width: 100% !important; In fact, even when phrasing these spreads, I like saying them in a way that follows this formula to make the point clearer. This 5 card Tarot Spread will help you discover your unique gifts, show you what is blocking their expression and how you share them without fear. This is a query spread used to explore questions concerning the overall direction of your life. 6. } This spread will help you put it all in perspective! This one-card draw clarifies what energies are either consciously or unconsciously moving through your being. This is the classic, most common Tarot layout used for reading the cards. The central card, or the theme, will stand for the present state or the issue between the querent and the other person. The path you would like your relationship to follow, 7. You have a card for the future, the present, and the past. In the Celtic cross its read normally so I was wondering if theres a proper technique or if Im just over complicating things haha, Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, 2016-2023 Labyrinthos LLC. Then, a third card is placed beneath the cross to show the foundations of the issue from the deep past. New Years Tarot Spread: Mapping Out Your Year Ahead! 7. .tarot-banner-container .center .heading{ Due to its popularity over the years, there have been many variations to the layout of the cards in this spread. This is a 5 card Tarot spread with a campy, Halloween theme! Option 1 / Option 2 / What you need to know to make a decision, The solution / An alternative solution / How to choose, Your conscious mind / Your sub-conscious mind / Your super-conscious mind, Material state / Emotional state / Spiritual state, What the Universe wants you to be / The personal qualities required / Specific action required. Embracing Change Tarot Card Spread I would also recommend looking back at the cards at the end of the night to see how your day unfolded you might be surprised by all the positive things that happen to you just by setting an intention with this spread! It can also represent your mind, body and spirit. Sit back, relax, and listen to this month's 3-Card Situation Spread Tarot Card Reading Playlist. Card 1: The distant past influencing the present moment, Card 3: The current state of the relationship, Card 4: Influences that will appear in the future, Card 5: Influences from the external environment (money, family, health, etc.). The second Card is the motivating reason for seeking guidance. @media only screen and (max-width: 991px) { Shuffle the cards, then pull two of them, one by one. Despite this, its a great way to practice card interpretation and read the energy of a specific situation. Card 5 (dependencies, addictions/habits, and erroneous values) is placed at the bottom. } line-height: 27px !important; But Monahan notes that a. You can ask any questions and you get immediate answers within a minuteperfect for our modern busy lives. .tarot-banner-container .center { For example, I often use this spread when Im feeling down about myself and am having trouble getting into an empowered mindset. Ive used it time and again when Ive felt lost about my path in life. They can reference different topics and will have different variations of cards, but (besides the Celtic Cross) there aren't set tarot spreads out there. font-family: "Book Antiqua",PT Serif; } I have a couple decks for different spreads, I've been primarily using the rider tarot for my main deck and the golden universal for spreads that require the major and minor . Check out the Tarot Spreads archiveshere. All Rights Reserved |. 6,8, 7 below it. padding: 20px 0 5px 0 !important; A modern Lenormand deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright colorful full-bleed illustrations. Remember, the future is not predetermined. The middle column has Cards 11, 1, and 5 vertically down. Your conscious mind / Your sub-conscious mind / Your super-conscious mind. Without any of these, the whole structure collapses. Of course, youll needa tarot deck first. Necessary energies to call upon. How to Move On ~ Tarot Card Spread } Changes needed in order to face challenges. But Im a visual thinker, and because of that, I prefer having the layout of the cards to guide the way that I process the information within the tarot reading. You have to shuffle the Tarot cards nominally, placing the chosen cards side by side. .tarot-banner-container .left { Get started now! Journal your insights. 1. padding: 20px 0 5px 0 !important; This is a Tarot spread thats fun, lighthearted and a little bit sexy to help you make the most out of this Summer! Thank you ! If you arent afraid to dig deep and face uncomfortable truths, give this one a try! Card 10 (Capricorn): What temptations may distract you from spiritual growth? .center .heading{ Shuffle and remember your basics before you begin the Spread. Ideals, goals and path to spiritual contentment, ? } The one on top represents the foundation for understanding all the below cards. Try now! This spread is perfect for those days where you want to get into a certain state but arent sure how to make that happen. Card 8: How is the external environment, including the people around the querent, affecting the situation? .tarot-banner-container .right { What to do after this daily tarot reading. While they shuffle, you may want to direct them to think of their intention or question. align-items: center !important; Present physical and material well-being. Get accurate tarot reading for life! .tarot-banner-container { font-family: "Book Antiqua",PT Serif; ??? padding: 20px 0; padding-bottom: 5px; margin: 10px; On your journey to tarot fluency, keep a journal of the tarot spreads you use and your interpretations of them. Simple Three Card Spread Five Card Relationship Cross Celtic Cross Spread Six Month Spread Simple Five Card Spread Five Card Find Love Cross Seven Day Spread Twelve Month Spread Youre less emotionally reactive to certain people and situations. Hopefully these will cover most of the bases! .banner-dwnlod-btn .win-btn{ Many adaptations of each spread can be used to address questions about love and relationships. This is my own personal twist on the classic Tarot spread. this was as said in its title for beginners, and is a really good starting . } This is the first time doing just a 3 card reading. Companion app focused on moon phases included. It was unheard of for any one ethnic denomination of ancient pagans to celebrate all 8 festival seasons. And Im proud to say that Ive kept up a morning ritual of daily Tarot spreads to align myself to my inner needs. You may find yourself getting closer to achieving that very personal dream you want to manifest. Here the cards are arranged in such a way that you do not know which is the first and the last card of the series. If you have limited knowledge of the signs, here are some questions for each card placement. margin-top: 13px; you can get more information aboutit here. padding-bottom: 15px !important; Variations of Spreads. color:#fff !important; Of course, you can always create your own tarot card layouts, but the free tarot card spreads provided here will get you off to a good start! The three-card tarot spread is relatively simple, which makes it ideal for beginners. So if youre ready to join me in ditching the phone to create a more intentional morning ritual, add one of these 7 daily Tarot spreads to your morning routine. Finally, the fifth card is placed above the first card to show the likely outcome. Three-Card Tarot Spreads for Self-Discovery. The various cards in this spread represent the following about you: 5. .banner-dwnlod-btn .win-btn .fa-windows{ This spread uses 10 cards and it gives a great snapshot of what is going on in your life. Self is the Card 1, and the Tarot Card at the base is a type of Tarot card spreads, you can use widely to find out what the planets are indicating. it also went over numerology meanings for 1-10 which was a nice add on that enhanced the readings. In this spread, each card is read as its own entity. They include the Celtic Cross Spread, Cross and Triangle Spread, Planetary Spread, and many more. We all have this connection the one we have intensity with. padding-bottom: 20px !important; This spread is used to explore how your past lives have affected your current life.? 2023 Biddy Tarot. Ignite Your Love Life! It provides enough information for deeper insights without overwhelming a reader or a querent. line-height: 22px; The reading begins with a cross. The first card represents the theme or the querents role. keywords included and a nice description. Become a member of our community to get your daily dose of Tarot divination. They can surely be one of the most helpful and peaceful resources of wisdom at all times. Jupiter (finance, acquisition and wealth). } Learning to blend facts and events during the process of Tarot Card Reading. Shuffle the deck and lay out the cards per the diagram at right. .tarot-banner-container { Although simple, this spread is perhaps the most versatile. @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { Do you run to your trusty Tarot deck when you've got a tough choice to make? Like a trusted old friend, Tarot cards are great at telling us exactly what we need to do to become the best versions of ourselves, even when we cant see it! So, tomorrow morning, as you kick off the covers and reach for your phone, take a few deep breaths and say, no. Make that hot cup of coffee or tea, and begin your new morning ritual of daily Tarot spreads. Or can't find what youre looking for? Are there different types of tarot spreads? Christmasy Tarot Card Spread Don't worry, you're not alone! The True Love Tarot Spread: In this spread, you come to know about your future and all the love combinations that can bring you a successful result. I'm going to try these and see if they make it easier, cosmic witch: astrology based, works mainly at night, In LOVE with black tourmaline and selenite right now! Cool obscure spreads. You can find many useful free Tarot cards spreads online, or even use the paid ones. The Cross and Triangle Tarot Card Spread is a different sort of Spread. As you pull each card, ask the corresponding questions below: Lay the cards out side by side and look at them. color: #000 !important; Pisces (burden, opposition and fears). The seventh Card is the way to proceed to your future. The birthday spread is used to help you plot a course toward achieving specific goals before your next birthday. Hint: If youre not ready to take on a tarot reading of your own, one great place to start is by getting alive tarot reading from a professional. Card 7 (Libra): What must you do to be fair to yourself and those around you? The theme card is placed in the center of the other four cards, which form a rectangle around it. The Tree of Life spread is a very thorough method of exploring and analyzing your mind, body and spirit, as well as life path and your psychic self and psychic abilities. You can often use this form of an advanced Card Layout to make love Tarot spreads; Tarot card spread for relationship. } Use this 4 card Tarot Spread to evaluate the quality of your physical, mental and spiritual/emotional connections with your lover. Tarot Card Spread } font-family: "Book Antiqua",PT Serif; Card 12 (Pisces): What aspects of your shadow (positive or negative) should be brought to light. Holographic, minimalist deck. Some problems may require more than one sitting if you are practicing Tarot card spreads for beginners, and some issues may require several impressions given the complexity of the issue, but do not leave halfway. .banner-dwnlod-btn .fa{ As the layout would imply, this is about understanding conflicts and obstacles. Five Card Tarot Spreads Rectangle Formation, Angel Number 1313: 7 Important Reasons You Are Seeing This Number, Judgement Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Money, Health & More , one-card tarot spread from the Modern Way Taro, the online version of the Modern Way one-card spread here >>, read my post on how to perform these yes or no readings, The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Money, Health & More, Angel Number 1144 Meaning A Message of Encouragement. ???? line-height: 22px; 5, 2, 3 above it as a dome. font-size: 25px; My aim is to create content that inspires you, supports you, challenges you, and brings happiness into your life. I promise, youll watch your life expand in ways you never thought possible. For lovers of astrology, this spread is a fun way to bring zodiac knowledge to the tarot. Oct 8, 2019 - Explore Lesly Pineda's board "The Obscure" on Pinterest. Does this all sound a bit overwhelming? Whether your single and looking to mingle or in a relationship, this spread will help you discover how to spice things up. If you were born on the 7th of January 1996, you would break down the numbers like so: 7 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 +6 = 33. Use a tarot journal to record your findings. The various cards in this spread represent the following about you: 7. The 10-card spread gives a snapshot of your overall state and explores everything from the most basic physical elements to the spiritual self. The Crown addresses issues that are significant in the present or may come to pass in the future. Thats why Im a firm believer that the structure of the reading helps create more meaning in the reading itself. Seriously, you can get super deep with just three cards. One of her five card cross formation tarot spreads can be used to learn more about our psychological projections, or the attributes we observe in others but not ourselves. Card 8: What would you be possibly experiencing until your next birthday. Privacy and Terms. Use this fun and powerful 3 Card Tarot Spread to get insight into your past lives and understand how they relate to your issues in this lifetime. padding-right: 20px !important; Rid negativity, Aquarius potion: The best day to prepare this potion is on Sunday! They never tire. color:#000 !important; These 7 daily Tarot spreads will open you up to your inner self, which will in turn affect your external world. While it can be used for querents seeking general information, it is also a great way to answer a specific question. Sure, there are tons of fancy (and complicated) Tarot spreads that have ten, twenty, even all seventy-eight Tarot cards in them. Here you'll find the tools to connect to your spirit and activate your soul. The Tarot layout known as the Celtic Cross is one of the most detailed and complex spreads used. Then, place the third card to the right of the theme card to show the other persons place. } It is intended to shed light on many aspects of your life. When we get intentional about the way we want to feel and then apply energy to that feeling, magic happens! For the crosses spread, what is the correct way to read the horizontal card if reversals are involved? Celtic Cross Tarot Spread: Revamped! This is not a Tarot Card Spread for beginners. 2 was upside down Queen of Wands. A look at my Book of shadows in my travelers notebook. The Celtic Cross Tarot Card Spread is arranged with a Cross on a base. text-align: center; A simple example of this is that when we see things clustered together, we tend to understand them as a group. You may find solutions to recurring problems you thought were impossible to solve. font-size: 25px; Above the cross, the fifth card reveals potential. The three Tarot Cards above represent Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer Cards. The Celtic Cross spread is probably the most popular spread in use today. The kind of person who is drawn to the mystery and challenge of Tarot is often also drawn to the Feline personality and so I felt it highly appropriate to design a cat themed Tarot spread. text-transform: uppercase !important; I encourage you to sit with them for several minutes and allow the answers to reveal themselves to you slowly. To learn how to observe your thoughts through the use of these Tarot Cards. All Rights Reserved. Your alter ego is the mischievous version of you that is wild, free and blissfully alive! Place the sixth card above the row to represent the querents beliefs about the relationship. This is a deliciously fun and unethical Tarot spread that I created just for Valentines Day. Then, the tarot spread will guide your interpretation of their story. Because these readings are stripped down, experienced tarot readers may find this approach to be reductive. Its a great Tarot spread to use on days when youre feeling a bit untethered to your purpose and are in need of some gentle encouragement. Plan ahead for the future possibilities with an accurate Yearly Timeline Report. This is my go-to practice if I wake up feeling out of sorts and need an infusion of good energy to get me out of a slump. background-image: linear-gradient(#FFDE01, #FFBC01); Meditating on the past and the present cards can show you how the future card fits in. Stay inspired!mysticrainn.comTalk to me: to Ascended Thoughts podcast onSpotify Past Life Tarot Card Spread margin-bottom: 0 !important; We all know that Tarot cards aren't going to give you lottery numbers or predict exact events, but they are an incredibly useful tool for guiding you into the future you want. Let us know by reaching out to me on my Instagram page. For more detail, you can read my post on how to perform these yes or no readings. One of the many mysterious things about the Tarot is that it brings the unseen into the seen. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot. The two cards above this row represent you and your partner. Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning Upright & Reversed, Yearly Horoscope Predictions 2023: As Per Your Zodiac Sign, Love and Relationship Horoscope Predictions 2023 As Per Your Zodiac Sign, Top 15 Tarot Cards Reading App for Android & iOS. Card 2: The barriers or obstacles in your way of happiness. You can use it in your medium level Tarot Card spread. Where you stand now / What you aspire to / How to get there, What you aspire to / What is standing in your way / How you can overcome this, What will help you / What will hinder you / What is your unrealised potential, What you can change / What you cant change / What you may not be aware of, What worked well / What didnt work well / Key learnings, You / The other person / The relationship, What you want from the relationship / What they want from the relationship / Where the relationship is heading, What brings you together / What pulls you apart / What needs your attention. As the layout would imply, this spread is a query spread used to questions. You want to feel and then apply energy to that feeling, magic happens a Cross on base! You: 5 community to get your daily dose of Tarot divination of community. Your relationship follow, 7 then apply energy to that feeling, magic happens feel and apply. Cards spreads online, or the querents beliefs about the way we want to.! 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