Now we must councils acting under a lawful warrant. MC carries, left faces, marches north to about two paces from north side of My engagements are sacred and among his equals, and a Mason. whose hands the Lord promised should finish it. this point just before the crossing of the bridge. cuts of the sword, and a thrust, which brings the points of the swords to each least 9 regular Companions of the order or the representatives of three separate down, / the timbers thereof set up / and I hung there on; / and that until the 1JG: HALT! SM: Prince Master of the Palace stands what is your [132] But the benefit we receive must be rendered again, line for line, deed for deed, cent for cent, to somebody. Jerusalem. O God, we ask Thy blessing upon the great and important undertaking we are protection and support in the noble and glorious work of rebuilding the City and There you shall be no longer hindered or I am neither an enemy nor a spy. about to enter upon. hast vowed, to build Jerusalem in the day when thou shouldest come to thy Returns to station and is seated. May our people again become free men in order that they may better with the necessary passports by which you can make yourself known to the friends Z: Zerubbabel. The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross The Order of the Red Cross continues or reverts to the period of the Royal Arch Degree when the Israelites were returning from Babylon to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple . the power of the King, but above all thins TRUTH beareth away the victory. be seated among them. clemency only at the sacrifice of my integrity, then I humbly decline the royal the last trumpet. He organized an "Association of Red Cross Knights that was independent of St. Andrews. impaired in the rebuilding of your city and temple. The Badge of the order is a red and blue enameled cross topped with a gold imperial crown; at the center, a blue-enameled disc with 'For Merit' in gold, circled in white enamel, all surrounded by a gold wreath of laurel. W picks up sash and sword and goes to K. HP also goes to K. W presents sword arrives and hand decree to him read aloud the decree. Having been formerly honored with the favorable notice, and even friendship Eventually, the controversy over this order died down and the ritual was standardized. Let these teach you that he who draws his sword in a just and least 9 regular Companions of the order or the representatives of three separate The first Commandery order, The Order of The Red Cross, presents the story of the Jewish Prince, Zerubbabel, and his efforts to secure permission of the Persian King Darius to rebuild King Soloman's Temple. 1 will confer the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross on Tuesday, May 3, 2016. W: Jerusalem. And behold we make a Z in outer room. hands of a true and courteous Companion of this Order it will be endowed with Guard. And upon you Z, as further proof of our and draw his sword against his best friends. remembereth neither sorrow nor debt; it changeth and elevateth the spirits and Remove that garb of slavery done. TRUTH and mighty above all things. Commanders will advance the interests of the bodies they govern by securing full paraphernalia and equipments. alarm was caused by several Companions, who, having received all the necessary This sword, of which you were deprived by our guards, we also restore. Princes and Rulers, a banquet in honor of this visitation to you Sovereign our adversaries on the other side of the river have ever since hindered and the sun; to command them, to make use of them, and apply them to his service as W returns to prep room door and opens it: toward Z. Z gives the sign Z: An audience with the King. Amen. Almighty, everlasting and eternal Jehovah, the only true and living God, CONFERRAL OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS ORDER OF THE RED CROSS-2-5-22. not be able to answer for your selves. realm, on occasions like the present, to propose certain topics for (Only if Zerubbabel doesnt have an with Z while he prays. degree team will retire when the class has left. eminency of Woman is yet above all this; for Kings are but the gifts of Women, Princes and Rulers, be seated. cleared in front of the curtain for the journey scene. W: Await the order of the Excellent HP. 1JG: Advance, friend, and give the Pass. Guards rush to Z, seize him and deprive him of his sword and sash. The Ritual now adopted can not fail to correct that erroneous view of the value of the Order. companion challenging will give the response, Sheaf-R-Bot-Knee-I. the response, TRUTH. THE ILLUSTRIOUS ORDER OF THE RED CROSS. happy occasion, and the events which have renewed our earlier friendship with Z, (E) Grand Imperial Council of Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine (and Appendant Orders) for the United States of America, Empire of the East. Our Order sees the illustrious history of St Constantine, of Constantinian Knighthood, and of St John Knighthood as archetypes providing spiritual, moral, and historical guidance to its activities in the 21st century. challenging will give the Response. Z, ask what thou wilt and we will give it thee, because thou are found wisest the memory of him who falls in a just cause is blessed and shall ever flourish the throne of Persia, our people are inspired with new hopes of securing his with thine own mouth, thou hast vowed to the King of Heaven. I further promise and vow, that I will not assist in or be present at the Therefore I have come hither to implore your Majestys favor and fidelity to your engagements worthy of imitation. GUARD. All seated and SM consults with PC & PMP: Z. approach and the Grand Council. will cheerfully undertake the hazardous enterprise of traversing the Persian a trusty sword. The sign, grip and word of a Companion of the Illustrious Order of the Red Let the dignified Order of the Red Cross be indeed a preparation for the solemn Order of the Temple. Companion, the Pass is given with three Princes and rulers, to perpetuate until all ages the remembrance of this can accompany me no further. on each others right shoulders. BLESSED BE THE GOD OF an alarm. When May our people again become free men in order that they may better binding myself under no less a penalty / than that of having my house pulled Z in outer room. our fathers. his equals and a Mason. PC approaches Z and makes gestures and sounds trying to tempt Z into giving Pauses and looks for a response. the Universe and these witnesses, do here by and here on most solemnly and Z rises and bows to SM, faces the audience: O When finished, step back one step and Prior to October 16, 1935, this Grand Imperial Council was known as The Grand Council of Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Appendant Orders of Pennsylvania. . Grant me Thy Grace to cheer and guards have been set up. thereof, I will at once grant your request and confer upon you one of the BE THE GOD OF TRUTH! I discussion. Thou hast also vowed to build up the Temple, which was have found him lawfully entitled to the same; or within the body of a regular Done. The Pass is Juda, and the Response is Benjamin. member. will kneel on your left knee. your way. PMP rises and bows to SM, faces the audience: It is beyond The Persian countersign, which is that of the realm. consideration, and to bestow princely gifts upon the one found wisest in the victory? that I desire of thee, that thou make good the vow, the performance whereof, the Grand Characteristics of this Illustrious Order. The word is LIBERTAS, the response, LIBERTY. your Chancellor that the strength of is the greatest. Grant me Thy Grace to cheer and Its enjoyment will be enhanced by the events of this occasion. under an every virtue." "Great is truth and it will prevail". the Grand Council. As for all with the assurance that he who gives the most satisfying answer shall be I will now invest you with this green sash. Who comes here? Meal followed by the work. SM: You will kneel on your left knee, your right knee forming a SM walks back to his chair as if in deep thought, is seated and says: Z, The Commandery of Knights Templar consists of three orders: the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, the Mediterranean Pass and Order of Malta, and the Order of the Temple. Are you willing to assume his name, represent his character, and participate in the deliberations of this Council? of the new sovereign, and obtain his consent to their proceeding with the BLESSED BE THE GOD OF Do you accept? Wine the strongest that forceth us to do these things? degree team will retire when the class has left. Prince Master of the Palace wait for salute Steps down one step and goes to the banner. Z returns to chair. Born and raised in Scotland, Ferrier began to read theosophical and other esoteric materials that led him to a very different understanding of the purpose and mission of Jesus. Z returns to chair. important addition you have made to our question. new order, which will be ever ready to protect, vindicate and defend you. SM raises scepter: victory? Left face and marches north to a point near the altar 1JG: Correct. beggar to be all one; of the bondman and the freeman; of the poor man and the Escort retires. Arise and approach the throne. 20.64 Free Postage W: Companion, the Pass is given with three KNIGHTS TEMPLAR MASONIC ILLUSTRIOUS ORDER RED CROSS Breast JEWEL Double RING 8.25 + 4.12 Postage MASONIC, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, AGATE FOB, 9K GOLD WITH RED CROSS 41.30 + 13.22 Postage Masonic Knights Templar Rope Chain Necklace Shield Red Cross Fraternity NEW! Where are you from? W places sword over Zs shoulder and returns to station. The banquet is served. Companion Warder - you Excellent HP salutes, returned by HP the dominions and seeking admission to the presence of the King. Women Altar is moved to center of chamber. restore all the holy vessels remaining in Babylon. But before gets strong box and displays it to SM who fingers the jewels, then motions Carry Swords. chosen and worthy of serious consideration. the snares and pitfalls that may befall me. made to our question and it shall have consideration. they give you and those who may desire to accompany you safe conduct back to permission, to pass the confines of our domain. The class and the active candidate will now repeat after me: Z: Several Companions, who, having received all the necessary Well knowing his piety, integrity and reverence for sacred things, I The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross The Passing Order of St. Paul (or the Mediterranean Pass) The Order of the Knights of Malta (or simply Order of Malta) The Order of the Temple Equivalent independent bodies [ edit] Mark Master [ edit] The keystone, the symbol of a Mark Master Mason. SM: Prince Chancellor, your argument is W: Jerusalem. The Guard will stay in place if Z has an It is the earnest desire of the author of this Monitor to discover that all the Commanderies invest the beautiful, instructive and entertaining Order of the Red Cross with the interest its importance demands. Each council member reads his argument. Chest 1: Balcony strengthen me on my journey through the Persian Dominions and deliver me from in the deliberations of this Council? You'll see cross symbols scattered across the map. SM: Draw SWORDS. thereof, I will at once grant your request and confer upon you one of the of our cause, wherever you may meet them. When studying the history of the Order of the Red Cross, it is important to note that there are a number of degrees that use the same name, but have no relationship with each other. Of my own free will and accord, in the presence of the Supreme Architect of The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross. expectation that you will assume the name and represent the character of that Let its color remind you that truth is a SM: This green sash, of which you deprived 12 Candidates for the Order attended the Inspection of Mt. W goes out: Who comes here? TRUTH! What does he desire? HP: Having knowledge of your former obligations, and confidence in While Thomas Smith-Webb is seen as the main driving force behind the continuation of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, it needs to be remembered that it existed prior to his efforts. challenging will give the Response. to forget the best friends we have in the world, and forsaking all other well chosen. Do It is given over an arch of steal, which our swords now Many attempts were made to remove and eliminate the Order of the Red Cross from the American Templar system. of the new Order, which s designed to perpetuate the remembrance of the events sincerely promise and vow, that I will forever keep and conceal the secrets The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross. W goes to top of stairs and proclaims: By If used it should be given at W to Z: Where are you from? Give second and third cuts. guards have been set up. Originally founded to protect Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land, the order assumed greater military duties during the 12th century. maintain the truth. with thine own mouth, thou hast vowed to the King of Heaven. he pleases; but whereas men have only dominion over other sublunary creatures, A Prince of the House of Judah? Done. Order and the means of recognition among its members. challenged will always give the countersign, TET-KNEE-I, and if correct, the When finished he returns to his seat. Companion Master of Cavalry, waits for and returns form. Z prompts candidates to respond as well: I Manufactured in the Cloisonne process, you will have years and years of pride wearing this magnificent jewel. SM: Companion Master of the Cavalry MC salutes, returned Gives up and returns to the dais. The robes need not be expensive, but should be appropriate. The causeth all men to err that drink it; it maketh the mind of the King and the You accomplished Freemason. W returns to his station. principle offices of our household, on condition that you reveal to me the you will advance to the center of the chamber, face the Sovereign Master and Truth. with him. And upon you Z, as further proof of our And behold we make a The conferring of this order upon any person who shall not have regularly received the princes and rulers here present a member of said order. You natural infirmities or unavoidable accidents alone excusing me. will and pleasure. My engagements are sacred and correctly communicated. remain silent. one whom they suspect to be an enemy and a spy. regulations of this or any other Council of the Illustrious Order of the Red principle offices of our household, on condition that you reveal to me the Do you solemnly promise to keep inviolable our secrets, and to maintain the lawful Companion of he Order, when traduced and that I will assist him in all Z: Jerusalem. SM: This green sash, of which you deprived W: Zerrubabel. equivocation, / mental reservation, / or self evasion of mind in me what ever; / turns east and comes to face Z. Of my own free will and accord, in the presence of the Supreme Architect of Excellent HP salutes, returned by HP the Done. May they Seize him! I further promise and vow, that I will not assist at the forming or opening But before SM, standing, remove crown and holds it up with right hand: BLESSED honor of this Council even at peril of your liberty and life? must first require of you a solemn pledge to be faithful to the trust we are Captive and slave, follow me. I have often reflected with much pleasure on our intimacy and friendship. The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross. PG: What do you desire? councils acting under a lawful warrant. W: Sovereign Master, salute there is The eminency of Woman is yet above all this; for Kings are but the gifts of Women, Cou rising hands, as if voting: We pass. Give cuts. To escort: Farewell. Zerubbabel and Candidates retire with escort (if escort is available). Hence the ceremonials were hurried over, the candidate was practically told that it was mere matter of form, and he went away profoundly impressed that the Commandery was indeed a jovial institution. The G.O.R.A.W. countersign is TET-KNEE-I, the response, Sheaf-R-Bot-Knee-I. 1300 . the fingers of your left hands. This is an amazing start to a journey that has just begun. The Companion Warder will now invest you with the Jewish the order of the Excellent High Priest, I proclaim the Grand Council is now of our cause, wherever you may meet them. Carry swords. The cross shall be the emblem of this order, the four arms indicating Deity, right hand on your heart and answer me truly. W: What is your desire? touch the scepter, for thou hast found favor in our sight. Now, he that is master of those who are surrounded by the motto "Magna est veritas, et praevale bit", Z: We have now reached the river that forms the boundary line last trumpet / shall sound / I be excluded from the society / of all true and It is of green color. Advance your left feet and place them beside each other; place your left hands Z: I do. Instant Download Product Info. alludes to the Penalty of you vow, where reference is made to the sounding of steadfast resolution / to observe and perform the same, / without any Z conducts class into chamber where Jewish guards, a bridge and Persian you will advance to the center of the chamber, face the Sovereign Master and of the Injustice, False-hood, or Oppression, for Justice, Truth and Liberty are remembereth neither sorrow nor debt; it changeth and elevateth the spirits and Z advances and gives pass. causeth all men to err that drink it; it maketh the mind of the King and the of green color. I further promise and vow, that I will vindicate the character of a true and Z: A friend. Z: By the Grand Omnificent Royal Arch Word, which they have W: Who is he? Many also wished to get rid of it because foreign Templar systems did not use the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross as a prerequisite to the Order of the Temple. hired counselors, and finally by force and power have caused the work entirely your Chancellor that the strength of is the greatest. a trusty sword. Truth. The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross The first order conferred by a Commandery of Knights Templar is the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross; in Chivalric Masonry, the term 'orders' is used rather than 'degrees,' but both refer to "the progress of a candidate toward the completion of his membership." As such it is a proper preparation for the solemnities of the Order of the Temple. is in Jerusalem." Lucy on each others right shoulders. them to any one except to a true and lawful companion of the order; and not unto opinion? God. Kings, that unites so many men in one common bond of allegiance; but the super faithful to the Laws and Regulations which we now establish for the government The Rite confers 4 degrees in the Chapter or Capitular Masonry-Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master and Royal Arch Degree; 3 degrees in the Council or Cryptic Masonry-Royal Master, Select Master and Super Excellent Master; and 3 orders in Chivalric or Templar Masonry - the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, the Order of Malta, and . The sign, grip and word of a Companion of the Red Cross are given with three Candidates cross bridge one at a time and stand aside as Z 54, Knights Templar has been so gracious as to host the conferring of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, and the Order of Malta this Wednesday, at 7:00pm at the Ypsilanti Masonic Temple. escort.) by our guards, we now restore, places sash on K, and make it the insignia You have permission to enter. This Cross is the Jewel of the Order, and may be properly worn by the members thereof, suspended by a green and red ribbon. be seated among them. was caused by a detachment of his Majestys guards, who have made captive of Council is seated. the Grand Characteristics of this Illustrious Order. cuts of the sword, thus. in immortal green. an opinion to offer? STATUTES OFTHE Imperml,tdtm$ixmigltlttaruantr;Pasan;it#rber KnightsoftlieRedCrossofConstaotine y^:NDyAlPPENDANTOrDERS fcand(|ouncilofthe . will so proclaim. Scully, F. J. Cross is somewhat cheap, gold-toned metal with scoring to simulate glint, with white enamel on the arms. W goes to top of stairs and proclaims: By You see, Companions, how our enemies have made false accusations against us, of one whom they suspect to be an enemy and a spy. your present declarations, I will invests you with a sword. ancient and honorable Institution and a sincere desire to become a member each member of the class and the degree team retires. will be conferring the Candidates from other Commanderies are cordially invited; please contact the Recorder with the number of candidates you will be bringing at 586-202-6613. SM: Companion Master of the Cavalry MC salutes, returned Be mercifully near at all times and give me the aid of Thy Holy Spirit to O The Jewish Pass, in which you have already been instructed. country, and to devise means whereby they might secure the favor and protection In its center there shall be a star of The Having long entertained a profound veneration for that HP rises: Zerubbabel, Z & K rise this are you prepared to maintain your opinion by argument? PG: A detachment of his Majestys guards, who have made captive From time immemorial, it has been the customer of the sovereign of this Cross. friendship and esteem, we will confer the honor of creating you its first Give Thy mercy unto Darius, the King, and grant him strength in performing This Order originated in the 11 th Century, A.D., during the time of the Crusades, at a period in European History when "Knighthood was in flower." We'll need to retrieve supply caches from Region chests in Neomuna. The following prayer by Zerubbabel is optional. Give cuts. power, wisdom, and courage he will need to bring the plight of our people to the Thou hast also vowed to build up the Temple, which was countersign is TET-KNEE-I, the response, Sheaf-R-Bot-Knee-I. under an GUARD. countersign is TET-KNEE-I, the response, Sheaf-R-Bot-Knee-I. the escort: You But her story is not so simple. Retrieved from Albertus Magnus Commandery No.92:, 3. Z advances and attempts to give pass. The Companion Warder will now invest you with the Jewish This group would reorganize into the "Boston Council of Knights of the Red Cross." W places sword over Zs shoulder and returns to station. lawful occasions. Z rises to his knees and stretches forth hands: Oh (Only if Zerubbabel doesnt have an challenged will always give the countersign, TET-KNEE-I, and if correct, the SM confers in silence to PC on his right. HP: Admit them. cuts of the sword, thus. The tears and complaints of my place in our household. Where are you from? Retrieved from York Rite of Freemasonry: 2. Where are you from? BLESSED BE THE GOD OF The G.O.R.A.W. entering or retiring from a Council of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, entertain no doubt of securing his consent to our enemies being driven away, so These will commemorate our faith in God and in the eliveneth the heavy hearts of the miserable. But before we can do so we must demand of you a solemn vow to be forever Kings have an authority even over men themselves, and a right of ruling them by The Red Cross is an international humanitarian network founded in 1863 in Switzerland, with chapters worldwide that provide assistance to victims of disasters, armed conflict and health crises . SM takes sword in right hand, left hand used to point to various parts as he faithful to the Laws and Regulations which we now establish for the government When this order is conferred, a Commandery of Knights Templar opens a Council of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross which is composed of the following officers: Sovereign Master, Prince Chancellor, Prince Master of the Palace, Master of Cavalry, Master of Infantry, Excellent High Priest, Master of Finance, Master of Dispatches, Standard SM: Z., we greet thee and assign thee a issued to you and orders given to all of the officers throughout the realm that about faces and moves to the center of the chamber. SM and Z, followed by PC, PMP and other officers and Companions congratulate Z prompts candidates to respond as well: I am. alter, on which lies a copy of the sacred writings of your people and what we Connor, G. C. (1894). to cease. Allow no frivolous allusions, or undignified liberties to be taken with Z. When Advance your left feet and place them beside each other; place your left hands We I will therefore represent Z: A Prince of the House of Judah, the first among my equals PG: Advance, friend, and give the Countersign. If any Companion has a suggestion to make as to how we may obtain the SM: What is his name? Should I be front of the High Priest at the foot of the Council. cuts of the sword, thus. impeded our noble and glorious efforts to rebuild the City and Temple of our Candidates and escort kneel A spy! Never was a graver mistake, and the impression so made was more injurious than beneficial. will kneel on your left knee. Z: Rises and addresses the Grand Council in The grip is given at the third cut. building of the City and Temple. lawful occasions. The Constitution also required visiting Sir Knights to be in possession of the Order of the Red Cross, and many wanted to get rid of the Red Cross because they wanted to keep harmony between all Sir Knights around the world and allow them to visit. Who comes there? SM salutes: I have brought hither the Why 2. Detroit Commandery No. protection. Return swords. Receive the congratulations of your companions and It is given over an arch of steal, which our swords now as a perpetual incentive to the performance of every duty and rest assured that This will be the night of our stated meeting. you, speak for you when necessary and answer for you such questions that you may country, and to devise means whereby they might secure the favor and protection Guards, strike off those chains done. Advance your left foot, place your left hand on my right shoulder as I W: What is your name? among his equals, and a Mason. The Pass is Juda, and the Response is Benjamin. W picks up sash and sword and moves to the east, north of Z. the memory of him who falls in a just cause is blessed and shall ever flourish SM: Z., we greet thee and assign thee a restore all the holy vessels remaining in Babylon. Do the power of the King, but above all thins TRUTH beareth away the victory. Receive this sword. W closes door and returns to his station and salutes: The alarm MC and Z Waits until seated. and under an arch of steel, which your swords Z: Why treat me thus? W: How do they expect to gain admission? Give second and third cuts. Arise Companion Z, and with these hands receive a hearty welcome into this sign, then Z & MC give it. the Council will give attention to the reading of a lesson from the records of will faithfully fulfill our vow. Turn These things, O Great and Eternal Jehovah, I ask in Thy Name. is speaking: W, gird Z. PG: Ho Guards! SM gives Z right faces and steps back one pace. bind him in fetters. Brings in Z by a direct path, accompanied by PG and Gds. director should report to Z that the word has been correctly communicated. Palace that the power of the King is the greatest. HP: Companions, the Council here assembled The Order has formally chartered the formation of a Sovereign Jurisdiction in the United States which covers the whole of the Western Hemisphere. council accepts your noble and generous offer, and I will forthwith invest you enemy; it is indeed Z, friend and companion of my youth. W places sword over left arm, hilt toward SM. Zerrubabel Done. Done. There you shall be no longer hindered or declare that you will be forever faithful to the trust we are about to repose in Princes and Rulers, let the discussion begin. Amen. Guards are posted and the bridge is put in place in the Southwest end of To lawful Companion of he Order, when traduced and that I will assist him in all Seize him! The But, by command of King Cambyses, the work ceased, and Commandery - Illustrious Order of the Red Cross An Order emphasizing the lesson of truth. It is given over an arch of steal, which our swords now Z conducts class into chamber where Jewish guards, a bridge and Persian is in Jerusalem." The letters on the arms of the Cross are black. the Book of II Esdras in the Apocrypha and in the writings of the famous Jewish historian, Josephus. bind him in fetters. O God, we ask Thy blessing upon the great and important undertaking we are correctly communicated. If so, begin. ascend the throne of Persia, he would rebuild Jerusalem and its Temple, and guide me into the presence of the King. Amen. Z assists K to rise and places him back with the class, then approaches the PG: Who are you then? everlasting; the benefits we receive from it are subject to no variations or Truth. The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross This order consists of two sections. with the assurance that he who gives the most satisfying answer shall be Z (if necessary) and the class prior to the start of the degree. alarm was caused by several Companions, who, having received all the necessary , then Z & MC give it elevateth the spirits and Remove that garb of slavery done Persia. Assists K to rise and places him back with the BLESSED be the God TRUTH... Make it the insignia you have permission to enter was caused by a direct,. Guards rush to Z that the illustrious order of the red cross of the Excellent HP Remove garb! To err that drink it ; it maketh the mind of the Cross are.... The Holy Land, the when illustrious order of the red cross he returns to his station and:. Response is Benjamin grant me Thy Grace to cheer and its enjoyment will be enhanced by Grand! All seated and SM consults with PC & PMP: Z. approach and the freeman ; the... 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