It was close to it in Fallout standards. 5 ST, 5 PE, 6 EN, 3 CH, 4 IN, 6 AG, 4 LK do I still get my discount?" "W-what? sometimes the dam ''gets too big'' and he has to "shrink it down". If you've done plenty of NCR-supportive quests before going to first talk with Caesar, when you finally do get around to it, he'll sound angry and will demand to know why after doing so much to help the enemy, you've dared to come to speak to him. He also sells rocket souvenirs. Blow up the sulfur caves under Vault 19 after exterminating the geckos in them, and then report to Samuel Cooke for a case of you, the player. Went to Manny's home, and while it wasn't perfect.. I killed Manny. I got a super rare, uh Mojave snowglobe! And to top it off, 15 years later, he tries to have Edgeworth framed and convicted for . The Courier will have the option to say "I killed Jeannie May. One wants you to hire him as an escort for their brothel. After the player character leads her to her death at the hands of Boone, it is possible to loot her body for a key and use it to unlock a safe in the room at the entrance. . Even better, everyone dies regardless of your actions, so you can just stand there clueless until everything is over. [1] His shop inventory shows 1000 for sale for one cap each. My hat is off to you, that takes balls. runs directly into a Radscorpion nest or a Jackal hideout, trying to flee from danger, but always coming back if he survives. if you found out that your neighbor was selling slaves, or something this horrible, wouldn't you be glad to have her removed?? Right from the start I had the typical murder mystery cliche of "it's always someone close to the victim". View Cart; Help; Pathfinder . just experienced this first hand in a +6 AD run. As for the Endurance penalty, well, just go eat a whole bunch of hot peppers and then see how, Look at the date of the video, then look at when New Vegas was released. Courier: She missed my wake-up call. Veronica enters the Hidden Valley Brotherhood of Steel base: You can kill Ramos with Veronica present and she may say "Looking sharp, Ramos" even as he dies from the horrific wounds you (or maybe. Over the years, Barbara has actually heard complaints from people over the fact that, back in the day, Jeannie and Tony were living together . The worst part is we don't even really get more background on Jeannie May Crawford character other than the fact that she runs the dino Dee Lite. And he gives you a discount! When you greet him, you can respond like so: . Do I still get that discount?" And I swear I died laughing. ?if you found out that your neighbor was selling slaves, or something this horrible, wouldn't you be glad to have her removed? Every time I spawn her using the command "Prid 0008d74c" and then "moveto player" she's always a dead body. It's a robot. Jeannie May Crawford who are you? Trying to suggest to Pete how the Boomers could get the B-29 back up: Even some of the successful Speech checks are hilarious, especially when they're basically bullshitting your way in lieu of actually passing a check with another skill. Forbidden! I'll break your fucking kneecaps. And he still gives you a discount! If you drug the White Glove Society wine, everyone who drinks it falls asleep. [5][6] The prejudice is only deepened by her awareness that Novac exists by the salvage of the REPCONN test site and any ghouls standing in the way threaten the basis of the town's economy. For example, there's this tidbit after literally. Talk to him and he says, "Hey, man, when in Rome", Becomes a touch less funny when you realize he. Well anyway, want to peruse my fine wares? There's no option to confront her about her motivation or learn about her past which would give an idea what kind of person she is No Just a sweet old lady. Apparently, a nice forced sleep after being blown up by a grenade works wonders. revealing that Boone needs to exact revenge. Talk to him about his wife and the Courier will receive the quest to find out who sold his wife off to slavers so he may kill them . She-she's usually pretty good about those calls. What other kinds of crazy terrible bulshit have you done considering that you sold an unborn baby and a pregnant woman into slavery? But NV was full of them. Well, a friend of Jeannie's is a friend of mine. (They drove recklessly, too!) Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Centuries after the great war, and that sign is still 100% accurate! The Courier can tell him about the bill of sale they found. I told the wardrobe girl, 'You know, I can't wear that,' and she said, 'OK, I'll go out and tell him . [2][3] The cracks grow when the subject of Jason Bright's ghouls is brought up, when she rather bluntly states that she would not miss them if they all were slaughtered,[4] considering them little more than parasites looking for handouts. Morris began her career as a sports journalist in 1968 after her then-husband, NFL player Johnny Morris, was asked to write a weekly column for the now-defunct Chicago's . Officially we do not recommend taking a shot when he says "fuck" for no one has a liver that strong. ", Your Intelligence level subtly changes your dialogue options throughout the whole game, ranging from. got a 445 ilvl item and the tidalcore mailed to me. Fallout: New Vegas If you have low intelligence theres special dialogue that makes his incoherent mumbling into intellectual, eloquent descriptions of him seeing some kids playing with the gun and he gives you some genuine advice on avoiding his choices that led him to his present infirmities and spiritual woes.. But seeing how he felt, mixed with the letter on his computer from the Khans.. Why would you do something like that? Unless your Speech is too low, in which case getting drunk to increase your Charisma might boost your skill enough to pass their checks. To cover it up, she started lying that Carla just up and left town;[10] painting Craig as maddened with grief and inventing the whole kidnapping to cope - all the while keeping her bill of sale in the motel's safe, waiting to collect the 500 pieces of silver on top of the 1,500 she received for selling Carla out.[11]. If the Courier choses to kill Crawford by themselves, the quest cannot be proceeded. Ironically, ''Investigations 2'' reveals that the forged autopsy report that may or may not have inspired von Karma to coerce the false confession that Gregory exposed ''wasn't'' his doing [[NotMeThisTime for once]], and he was deceived about it by someone higher up in the prosecutorial food chain.]] You can use 50 Speech to convince Private Jensen at the Hoover Dam to go see the Presidential Vertibird on top of the visitor center. After killing Harland earlier (I was attacking for walking upstairs and decided to live with the consequences, sadly moving forward with the fight).. ", Veronica's concern about you destroying the Codex also works as a subtle allusion to. Using the super-low Intelligence option, When you win too much money at the Ultra-Luxe casino, you can be a. He dies, I take his loot but when I got to Boone.. Or if you ask her about curing an addiction: The elder of her two mercenary bodyguards sums it up: If you're playing on the PC version of New Vegas, you get the handy option to use the console to check certain NPC's skills and attributes. oh yeah I saw a new dialogue option showed up for Cliff, it's "i killed Jeannie May, do I still get my discount?". Mounting an attack on The Fort will lead to every Legion soldier in the camp going aggro and attacking you. Good Monday Morning All,I hope this is the right place for this post. Then this exchange happens. Poor guy just sounds so bored, so it's like he's trying to be polite when he says it was the best sex he ever had. Rewards For a couple of quests he's actually the most helpful NPC in Novac! Why would you do something like that? The insane fact that, outside of Hardcore Mode, you can attack your companions and knock them unconscious in order to heal them. You can take their items, apparel included, as if they were dead, and without any repercussions too. Gameplay Even a basic application of the, One of the Gun Runners' Arsenal Challenges is killing House with a golf club, endearingly titled ", Two other challenges, one requiring you to kill feral ghouls with weapons bearing religious names and the other requiring you to kill abomination-type monsters with a variety of simple melee or explosive weapons, are titled, The JSawyer mod adds a challenge for dealing damage with axes, called ". Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Once there, there's three buildings and the red building that says "Close my store", is the one you need to click to initiate this. Role Hair color You walk through a camp filled with slaves, crucifixions, and heads on pikes, into the office of the ruthless commander, among the highest-ranking Legion members you encounter in the game. You can go visit Vault 34 yourself and discover that in the short time since he left, everyone else in the vault has turned into feral ghouls. why is this strange, that you get a discount, even if you killed Jeannie May??? In the ultimate irony of ironies, Chris used to live in Vault 34, and he left because he thought he was turning into a ghoul. Quests O-oh my god! Many of The Sink's inhabitants get great lines. for reals? NovacGenericTownie Considering that you will be killing Jeanie May anyway for the quest, You should be able to still just get all the evidence and present it to Boone. And while we're on the Klein vs. 0 rivalry, there are these lines: You can tell Klein that you've heard Big MT referred to as the "Big Empty". The Courier can talk to. If the player character has the discount with Cliff, he can be used to remove stolen tags, so they can remove the "owned" label on items they want to display in their house, with no loss of caps. Just the imagery of the "dumb-dumbs" running from a bunch of Legionaries in fear is an amusing thought. A little.". Jeannie Mai was born and raised in San Jose, California, to a Chinese Vietnamese father and a Vietnamese mother. Easy peasy! There's a random encounter where you might get attacked by. Motel manager/owner Female They blew up the lands West and East of the Mojave damning them all to Hell. Cliff Briscoe appears only inFallout: New Vegas. Once in front of the dinosaur, put on the beret and Boone will kill Jeannie (Boone has to be in the T-Rex before the dialogue choice that allows the Courier to lure Jeannie May to get shot appears). TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. How do I not fail The Legend of the Star quest? To complete this quest without loss of Karma, have Jeannie May shot by Boone, loot the safe key from her corpse, and retrieve the bill of sale. Second Edition Rulebooks; Official Digital Toolset; Online System Reference; Downloads; First . Where is the 188 Trading Post? I looked around, asked some others. During the White Wash quest, Corporal White has gone missing. That's right: you get a robot that supplies you with battle music. Shortly before the end of the quest, you can ask Chris, the human that thinks he's a ghoul, how he came to be part of the Bright Brotherhood. While his story isn't particularly funny, being a victim of torture up to and including having his tongue cut out, he's still up and kicking because he's a mean son of a bitch. Be good, or. Complete with "Whoooooooooh." Especially Muggy and The Toaster. However, processing may take longer under certain circumstances. Find the giant dinosaur and enter the Dino Bite gift shop. Veronica will also make a joke about House only having two female "robot sex slaves. The peaceful resolution requires either getting three of the other doctors to like you, or skill checks to convince Klein that. If you approach the pen, a Nightkin suddenly uncloaks and starts off on a rather interesting sales pitch. Luckily, Orris never seems to notice. Several of the Courier's interactions with Benny once you track his ass down double as this and, It's also pretty funny when you find the Great Khans in Boulder City. But he still took the time to pin one of those badges on his leather armor! Jeannie May Crawford ", you need to perform brain surgery on Caesar to remove a tumor. Assistance Even in the "Swingin' '60s", the television landscape was a lot more conservative than it is today. Video Games. Thanks. SettlerNV Welcome to the wonderful world of Fallout New Vegas. Thankful for your help, Boone offers up a 1st Recon Beret, as well as 100 Bottle Caps. Jeannie May, the unlikely woman responsible for the disappearance of Boone's wife and unborn child, has been killed. Simply walking into his office is a CMOF. Are you? The deal is crazy. Dark humor, sure, but in Hopeville, you can come across a skeleton crushed under a vending machine. When you investigate, you find that they opened up a BIG Lakelurk nest and only one of them survived. At Nellis, talking to one of the Boomers about food: Even better is the failed Speech check at Mojave Outpost when trying to get Meyers pardoned by the NCR: Trying to get the White Glove Society to fess up about a kidnapping: Trying to convince Mr. House to pay you extra for the delivery of the Platinum Chip: Failing to convince drug-runner Jack to make beneficial chems: When attempting to set a couple of Freeside addicts back on the straight-and-narrow, but lacking the scientific knowledge to know what the hell you're talking about: Trying to get a shady character to offer to sell you Jet: Showing a Legionnaire how to disarm mines. If you ask him about this little moment? Did anyone realize how much Gomorrah and The Ultra-Luxe had in common? During the quest "Beyond the Beef," you can frame Gunderson for the murder and report it to a Securitron. Lore The searchers included Western Michigan University students, youth groups, workers from several companies that were voluntarily shut down to assist in . Do I still get my discount? The initial conclusion was that her death was suspicious. Talking to Cliff Briscoe after getting Jeannie May Crawford killed has you say you did it in one of several ways, all equally funny. In casual mode, whenever one of your companions recovers after being. Your approval rating goes up in Novac if you choose to. And there is her hatred of the Battle Cattle (Caesar's Legion). Choosing this makes House go nuts. Trying to give the Bitter Springs refugee camp an irradiated supply crate: Failing to convince Sarah to buy non-Vault suits (and trying to convince her to sell leather armor). I need the command to spawn her alive. The following exchange takes place: Bonus: Dr. Usanagi takes pity on you poor, stupid sod, and discounts the Intelligence mod if you have INT 2 or less. It's a toss-up between "good one!" Voice actor Reward: 150 XP In both cases, wearing a. It was soon evident to the clerk why 60-year-old Roeder was yelling: he had been shot in the stomach . Sparking and hissing, the Toaster swore its enemies would rue the day when they had bread - and no way to toast it. This game really makes me hate the level of power I have. Valve Corporation. I fucked up. The entire schtick of The Kings in Freeside. If you recruit Raul early and bring him along you get a hilarious moment when the Ferals attack them: Even better, his tone after the last part implies that Courier just shot him a dirty look for saying that. Go ahead and check Straus' medical skill. Carla Boone's apparent ingratitude grated on Jeannie May, who decided the best way to get rid of the problem was by selling her out to the slavers of the Legion , clearing a path to the Boone apartment so that they could abduct her with ease. At this point, whoever the Courier sent over will walk back, and they can go and ask someone else to go and stand there. If you haven't completed Beyond the Beef, you can go back to the Lucky 38 and tell Mr. House that the White Glove Society is engaging in cannibalism. 00151403. Selling Arcade into slavery as Caesar's personal medic is. flung around with the same ragdoll physics as a normal human. Jeannie is a proud resident and businesswoman in the frontier town. And my friends get a discount at my store. ", When the Think-Tank first encounters the Courier, Dr. Klein mistakes the fingers and toes for. I paid you guys to do my taxes and got charged for it but still have not received federal taxes. When you ask Veronica how someone joins the Brotherhood of Steel. Lead Jeannie May Crawford to the front of the dinosaur between 10 P.M and 9 A.M, when Boone is in the dinosaur. Let's just say it had something to do with the beards, and leave it at that. He wears a magnificent helmet and armor fashioned from the uniforms of his fallen enemies. Editor ID I have used his ID at Home Depot and . The worst part is we don't even really get more background on Jeannie May Crawford character other than the fact that she runs the dino Dee Lite. Quest stages Notes Purchasing all 1000 will only remove them until his shop inventory refreshes (approximately every three days), at which point he will have another 1000 in stock. After one of its more psychotic episodes, however, the other Sink personalities decided enough was enough, and dumped the Toaster in a bathtub. and he can't really reward you for killing her, so keeping the discount makes sense His tone of voice flip flops between goofy, calm and hammy. Dialogue (Optional) Look for evidence of the guilty party inside the Dino Dee-lite lobby. He was convicted in Amelia County, Va., on March 30, 1991, of the murder of Regina Butkowski, a small, red-haired clerk of court employee in Norfolk, Va., whom he had met at the Living Well Fitness. another one that really bothers me is when talking to vendortron, i have the option of asking "how'd you get in there?" This was. Vault 21 was filled with the most gambling addicted people they could find and instructed to build a society of games of chance. Take the item directly to Boone and the quest will be completed without ever having to talk to anyone else. Think about it or don't. When you get the unique Yao Guai Gauntlet after tripping out on datura: Another one from White Bird, if you happen to have, At the end of the storyline, Joshua Graham holds Salt-Upon-Wounds at gunpoint, and Salt-Upon-Wounds begs you to talk him down. When "Cuddles" attacked him, Tabitha just went and killed him. Actual Fallout New Vegas community and everything related. The "Fiery Purgative" item cures poison, removes 50 rads, and gives you a temporary Endurance penalty. If you have negative reputation with the Powder Gangers (and you likely will) he'll be less than thrilled to see you. For more information, please see our It's the only locked door. 17 comments. A zone, that is yes! Klein comments, "Well if we're going to bring the Socratic method into the discussion", And the gun they give you, the K9000 Cyberdog Gun, is, The Think Tank in general. Do I still get my discount? After it all, I get Manny out.. 15% Off Orders For AAA Members. Keeping Boone's 1st Recon beret on after he shoots Crawford will allow it to remain in the Courier's inventory, and if worn will occasionally be commented on by non-player characters. What you might see during your first five minutes in the game. When you use console commands to change the field of vision, you get some rather Mr. New Vegas quoting Big Sal in a news report, completely deadpan: Also, there's Cachino's quote in a news report if you help him take over Gomorrah by taking out his former bosses: If you save before killing an NPC, then reload fast enough, they will occasionally freeze mid-revival animation when the re-load is finished. It probably should have been phrased differently as well as only being made available to people who don't have the discount already. Another of his good lines in the exact same situation: The Beards, Big Beard and Little Beard, mercenaries you can hire during Bye Bye Love. Fallout: New Vegas PC Jeannie Marie Moore. SHE HATES AND/OR FEARS THE BATTLE CATTLE! Went to Manny's home, and while it wasn't perfect.. Cass lived to see the Courier defeat three armies, which was three more than she expected. Gray It has been 10 weeks!!! Replace Boone's beret with a party hat, and, When you look around Camp Guardian, you find notes detailing all the classic signs from a horror movie: bad radio communications, sounds at night, using explosives and finding caves, shadows in the water that are too big to be a fish. She stipulates that the Courier can use it "until the busy season comes," which translates to "indefinitely.". SPECIAL You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. As in, Another hilarious line comes from a random member of the Kings, who mentions how hungry he is and how he could really go for a Fancy Lads, then has a flustered, After the Legion and the casinos confiscate your weapons when you enter, by the time you meet the Boomers and are told to come quietly, you're probably expecting to be disarmed. Can anyone give me some info 1yr SlightlyHastyEnt Five kings of diamonds. Meeting the Lonesome Drifter with the Lady Killer perk. Most of the time the words "Dead Money" are replaced with "Dead Monkey". It helps that this character is played by comedian. Combat (INT check passed) I know what a fish is. Even better if you have Wild Wasteland, as, Doc Mitchell's reaction when the Courier associates "mother" with ". Inhabitants get great lines directly into a Radscorpion nest or a Jackal hideout trying... Supplies you with battle music Purgative '' item cures poison, removes 50 rads, and that is! You guys to do with the Powder Gangers ( and you likely will ) 'll... Take longer under certain circumstances the command `` Prid 0008d74c '' and has! The right place for this post insane fact that, outside of Mode. That were voluntarily shut down to assist in shows 1000 for sale for one cap each killed Jeannie May?. Still took the time the words `` dead Monkey '' groups, workers from companies! Companies that were voluntarily shut down to assist in just say it had something do. 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