I love you so much because my heart and my soul are intertwined with yours. Quickly grabbing your face to hold you still he came closer trying to playfully bite you, Yah sweets! Jin: You plant a quick good-morning kiss onto your boyfriends cheek before he walks downstairs to prepare your breakfast. You already could see the dissapointment faces, could hear failure laughing at you. Suddenly his left arm came dangerously close to your face, as you brought your hands up to shield your face from his clenched fist. I - I.. You wanted to be alone for awhile, hiding until that weird feeling went away. sweets? I think I changed it kind of.. again? At first he found it cute and the other members did aswell but when she suddenly brought back stuffed toys he didnt really know what to think. Yoongi: He's more worried about protecting you so you two are battling over who's going to protect each other and the boys can't but laugh at you two. Damn.". . Much better than this shit right here. two hours had gone by, and the words you had scribbled on was just rubbish. He knew it was hard for you, but this guy would do anything for you to make feel better. you motioned with your finger, both staring at eachother. I forgive you, If you forgive me too. And especially I love you like y/n y/l/n/ loves Kim Namjoon. It stopped a while ago. Jimin chuckled, hand pressing against your shoulderblades, silently telling you to come closer and kissed your temple when you did. I love you y/n. I know I cant take it away instantly even if I want it so badly. Anyways it was late in the evening and you and Jimin walked in the park enjoying the chill breeze on your skin after a hot day. Being jealous is not wrong baby. BTS Reacts: Plus Size S/o Scenarios. Struggling means youre getting better time by time. You failed him again. Tae hurry. about me going away all the time. Go take a hot shower and put your pajamas on as I finish your delicious lasagna and lets get in bed early today. What if you get tired of it and get with him. Wait! you said making him stop in his tracks. He didnt look at you, his face lowered, his other arm unmoving at his side. I can assure you, they have not. You were happy with your relationship with your brother. Youre the best man! Hand landing ontop of his shoulder as to physically thank him aswell. the first thing that popped into my mind when you told me was that you wanted to break up. You winced at the memory, heart aching at the thought of Jimin who must have stood there defeated, lost and hurting as you left him behind, keeping him in the dark. And trust me I dont get bored quickly. It was kind of hot though. You know not to believe them, and I know youre fighting with yourself right now. Yes, you counted. you arent allowed to come near my baby. Seokjin look at me. you whispered, lifting your head to look at him. . Jungkook felt proud and pleased, watching how Apple jumped around as he lay down on his belly in the grass, hands tucked under his chin, holding his head up. To bystanders it seemed friendly but the three of you knew it was far from that as Jungkook put a lot of pressure on that poor mans shoulder. He however took it the wrong way, stammering your name as his cheeks turned scarlet. Min Yoongi and this dumbass is hopelessly in love with you. You kept silent, feeling the tension coming from your boyfriend. Seokjin: Originally posted by jinchims. Because everyday my love for you grows. Me? Once he noticed he wasnthidden anymore, he looked up. His familiar and calm scent, his warm temperature cradled your mind and scared away the demons. Actually you did not know why you were holding in your tears, Seokjin would not laugh at you. It seems impossible with the immense love I feel for you already but I really do. what is this for heavenly dish? The way his eyes flashed when you told him how you felt told you enough and so you flee. You cant always be on top of the game, it wouldnt be human and certainly not good for your health.. no y/n it really isnt that important. he added quickly, pushing you back againt his chest when he felt you move away, ready to disagree with him. Im sorry. Whatever y/n.. Jimin sighed, walking away from you, out of the room. The air was cold, the once drizzling rain now pouring down harshly, drenching you in a minute . I think youve found your talent.. Now come here and lets clean ourselves up first before we get too sticky.. We hope you guys like it <3 also this hits too close to home because I'm literally the worst chef ever; i literally just tried to make cauliflower rice and idk how but it turned out AWFUL! You were looking at him, knowing the wheels in his head were working on full force as he zoned out. Surely Taehyung had not changed his mind and told them it was all a misunderstanding. You were always one to think positively however the words you read on social media didnt really help. Its only healthy when you talk about it in a calm way. little breath clouds appearing in front of you with every sob leaving your body as you sat on the steps infront of your door. You did not regret telling him this, you wanted him to know, you needed him to help you get out of this rut. 7 months? Turning your face away from the other people on the bus, you looked out of the window, not really focusing on anything the only thing on your mind was not to break down right this instant. you began to admire its beauty, its personality. I can say this.. No, only y/n can. You didnt really know what happened because you were just eating a sandwich as you only said what you thought, but before you knew it you were in the bedroom, his tongue exploring your cavern as you were now standing infront of him in only your panties. And if you dont believe me I can show you my phone which is filled with photos and videos of you. He finished with a loud laugh and it seemed he had thrown his head back when you heard a soft thump. Smiling up at you, he crawled his way up and kissed you on the lips. Chuckling you slid your arm around his waist, resting your head against his shoulder and were off to freshen up. He isnt your boyfriend the last time I checked. He shouldnt be here, out in the cold, out in the rain. Its okay sweety. I will catch you. The muffled sobs got louder when you pulled him away from your shirt. Grabbing your wrist, he dragged you to the bedroom, ready to put some action to those words, Oh sweetheart, youre lucky were alone tonight cause I will have you begging.. Of course she wants to go back with you. I cant even write a stupid essay. You can trust me Tae. Intertwining your fingers, you guided him out of the house and walked to your favourite spot. away from the sweetest dreams. Yoongi hyung talked to me. I should just get to work. Why wouldnt it be? the laughter stopped as soon as it came, face tilted to side as you looked him right in the eyes, daring him to state otherwise. When you felt his hands around your wrists, you looked up at him and the sight added more guilt on your heart and soul. Are you talking about the one of Ms. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Done with the dishes, you wiped your hands dry and walked to the bathroom, leaving him behind to dry the pans. He hasnt a crush on me and he never had, I promise. you sighed, feeling kind of bad. A walk outside into the fresh air will do you good. When he finally arrived at the bathroom, he took a deep breath before going in, not knowing what he would find.. Your eyes widened at first but a laugh escaped your mouth. . Taehyung: I want you to tear my clothes of my body, Your wish is my command sweetheart but I cant guarantee it will only be your clothes.. There he was. Its a sign of strength because I think that showing your emotions is the strongest thing a human can do. Should you answer it? Im hurt sweets.. You can just ask me, no need to make such a commotion.. What, why? His hands flew to your cheeks as his eyes locked with your eyes. What the heck do you think youre doing? You had the advantage of being on top of him now so you attacked him with kisses all over his face. When you couldnt feel his shoulders shaking anymore and heard the peacefulness of the room except from the breathing from you and Jungkook, you knew he stopped crying. Stepping away from the door, you got out of your clothes, turned on the shower and sat down on the floor as the tears were freely flowing down, Salty tears stining your skin, painting it with red. well he couldnt see anything. So this book is going to be BTS Reactions. He let himself fall backwards on the matress, his eyes observing the shape the lamp illuminated on the ceiling, desperately trying to get his thoughts on something less alarming, the worst scenarios going through his head. Now come to bed. grabbing his hand, you pulled him off the chair, dragged him to the bedroom and tucked him under the warm blankets. Anyways I am rambling on. The chatter immediately filled the air as you opened the door to the dressing room of the boys. Ironically right then he decided to walk in and well the rest is history. You know reading those kind of stuff isnt as hard as writing it hahaha and this is still kind of innocent I guess lol. And they say school is the most fun and easy part of life you wailed out as you slumbed down on the table, your face tucked away in your arms. I need to clean up first. you admitted shyly. Taehy- He shook his head, pulling you away form his chest as his finger fell on top of your lips, shutting you up immediately. Youre not alone anymore. Taehyung spoke up softly not wanting to interrupt the peaceful sounds of nature and not wanting to scare the animals away. 'I loved, and I loved, and I lost you.and it hurts like hell,' bleeds out of your phone. I couldnt help the words that left his mouth like a speed train had him breathing fast, his voice cracking as he stuttered with eyes looking like they saw something they shouldnt have seen. You could hear she felt bad for you, knowing how happy you were when he called you, her being there when he did. Misunderstandings happen. He was scared, to him your words sounded like you couldnt be with him anymore. Of course you dont need to worry silly eventhough homesickness sucks youre my home now too Taehyung. almost. 75% is good enough, you dont always have to get a 90 or higher. So what if those letters on top of the paper are bright red cause thats totally okay. He wouldnt possible be jealous right? All that time Seokjin had not said a word, softly rubbing your lower back while rocking you back and forth tenderly. You are absolutely right. My heart.. You were flabbergasted. Right now I am talking about the one from Ms.Jung herclass. Your mouth dropped open in shock, wheels going crazy trying to remember what she was talking about. A/N: Gosh that sounds so cute though hahaha. However their time apart wasnt for long. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting! I know I am not like that and I want to apologize for all the clinginess. Im just stating a fact. After taking a deepbreath and clearing your throat you answered. Theyll understand if you cant. (Whose going to believe that a freaking bunny stole their childs stuffed animal). This is all very nice and all but.. Can I see you? Of course it was dumb to feel that way, Hoseok had only shown you love, always made sure you knew he loved you and that you were one of kind and somehow fear showed his side. Being the sweetheart he is, he understood giving you a quick kiss before leaving the room. "Wait! If it makes you feel scared. He really was jealous? Helping you up, he pulled you into a playful headlock, complaining that you needed to learn to walk properly again. But then he would laugh at you aswell, seeing you squirming around trying to get out of this grasp. Luckily you only broke the blender today, decorating the kitchen, yourself and him with the smoothie you were making as you shot him a nervous smile. As he entered the kitchen he saw you eyeing the bag in his hands. Tears were flowing down your eyes, the textbook hiding under the couch after you pushed it off with so much force, it slid right under the sofa. Dipping down you kissed away his tears while your fingers pushed his hair out of his face. You were sitting on the ground, pen in your mouth, a paper in one hand and in the other hand a calculator switching your sight between the two. at least thats what you went for but Yoongi didnt even look your way, dissapearing in his room with a slam of the door. Taehyung just came in at the wrong moment and didnt bother to listen to the rest of story when you were talking to your friend on the phone, overhearing only a little part of the conversation. I kind of changed Taehyungs I noticed I dont know really why but oh well. The arrogant man just scoffed at him. Okay now be a good friend and tell me what it is about. having the phone on speaker, you put it beside you, pen in hand ready to scribble away. After finishing your burger, you would look over at Jin who was looking at his phone and then steal some of his fries.Seeing your hand reach over the table he would look at you with disbelief. His constant nagging what wasnt the case but a scream of insecurity. She wouldnt have done that if she doesnt love you. Yes I know you dont like it, but I dont like things either you do but you dont hear me complain. finishing the last touch on your hair, you tidied up the bathroom and walked out, passing your boyfriend. Ass. you responded laughing and sat up. This shows that she loves you so much and that she didnt want to worry you and to just suck it up shows it even more. Yoongi told him and gave him a smile. You had come here with a good mood but it instantly dropped when you greeted your boyfriend with a quick kiss on the lips. Sighing, your eyes drifted back to the screen infront of you. Are you tired is that it? You asked once again still facing the kitchen tiles, already knowing it wasnt just tiredness. The sudden hug you got yanked in startled you a bit, but quickly composed yourself and returned the embrace. Okay you wanted to that, happy he wasnt avoiding you anymore however you refrained yourself from doing that. I got scared I am sorry he told you after he calmed down. The dandelion who his green friend brought with him hung from his fingers, waiting to join the rest. I tell you everyday. I will just sit here in this house, watching tv all day. You see your friend was heartbroken, his boyfriend had left him for someone else, telling him he wasnt good enough so you wanted to comfort him and had told him he should come over for a relaxed and fun night in. Turning his head to the side, he saw you biting your lip seductively and a smirk plastered on your lips. It felt like a summer evening. Lifting it closer to your face, the caller read Jimin. I dont know why youre feeling this way he paused. You and Jungkook would spend late nights talking about th me future you two wanted to have together. BUT.. please no more otherwise I wont have any shirts left.. I love you too Tae. You confessed, lifting your head up a little so you could give him your eskimo kiss. He wouldnt want to see anyone that he felt stressed or sad or any negative emotion in that matter but its you were talking about. I love you like the moon loves the night. Jungkook: Would smirk at you, smile wanting more *gif* Originally posted by jung-koook. Aah yeah everything is just peachy Seok. you chuckled. You wanted to kick, scratch, punch yourself, you just wanted to hurt yourself for hurting him like this. Of course they would grab their phone and write it down on there. Seokjin, did you call my mother? The others just stared at you, confused what was going on. Youre unbelievable really. At least my baby knows whats best for her Jungkook smiled, leaning down to peck your lips, arm secure around your shoulder. What the? Yoongi uttered when they arrived at their dorm after a long tour. Im not only there for you in the sunny days. He pressed his lips against your cheek and just as you thought he was going to lean back he mumbled that you just had to wait for a while, when he was done he was giving it to you all night long. After the eleventh attempt to get him to accept your apology, you went back to the room. You know why I like rainy days so much? you stopped talking for a minute and could feel the shake of his head, so you continued. Begging him to stop, trying to pry his fingers away from your waist and tummy because tickling was torture. I am a moron Namjoon. after making sure you were okay, he joined you on the bathroom floor. I want to see my lovely boyfriend. you spoke up after a while. The pure scent of the night seemed to do Taehyung good as he already had calmed down abit. Whats going on? Out of his mind! Thank you Jimin, Thank you. His cheeks were rose coloured you noticed, his eyes looking downwards and rubbed his neck. Do you understand? he nodded his head, his face no longer hiding in your sweater, now laying on your shoulder as he drew little circles on your neck. I know I am sexy. Just for a couple of minutes. Fine you gave in. The drink was for the lady and not for you. the stranger glared back. It has been 4 hours and 48 minutes that Jimin decided to give you the cold shoulder. Y/n! The comforter ripped from his body, the cold not bothering him at all once his feet landed on the ground as he stumbled his way out of the room, his breathing quickened, his heart racing. Shouldnt you cherish that person and shower it with extra love? Jimin however hadnt noticed that you werent by his side anymore until he heard you laughing, calling his name as you ran towards him to catch up, but along the way, you tripped over your own feet, stumbling your way further as you hands reached out to grab his shirt in the hope to steady yourself. She is too good for you. The one who completed his heart. I could only think of you leaving me and began to cry. Sure you could make an exuse, you could tell him youve been sleeping but he wouldnt buy that. BTS reaction to you having a cold and they have to take care of you. Sad is just the main word, wrapped in all different kinds of sad. You instantly regretted your outburst, stuttering apologies. But Jungkook is already on the laptop. Was what you said when you saw him. NONE of the GIFs used are mine. You laughed, pushing him away as it tickled. I have been standing infront of you the whole time! BTS reaction when their pregnant gf suddenly feels pain in the middle of their argument. The thought that he didnt want you to hear him crying was so immense hurtful that tears sprung in your own eyes. Dont cry. Still you could not shake the feeling away, eyes locked on the door. You did not deserve the silent treatment at all. And youre still someone who points out the best traits in people.. The warm water would soothe the pain and after that you would be your normal self again however his gaze lingered on the door a feeling that crawled upon his heart that this time it was much more than a bad cramp but decided to wait for now, not wanting to overthink everything and turned his gaze back to the screen infront of him. Thats rich coming from you y/n. He gave you a confused look, asking what was wrong. Taking a deep breath you carefully put your laptop down on the ground, sitting back against the frame you finally snapped. This one though.. it looked so off, it scared him. Your legs slipped from the wooden material now dangling infront of the heater, making room for him to join you. Ass! you shouted after him. Where are you? Were you crazy? It wasnt the one he saw almost everyday. his arms hanging loosely over your shoulders, hands clasped together behind your back as he too grinned. Its just being away from home and all the sudden attention I guess im just a bit scared and shocked. The kid began to cry while Sniffles happily skipped over to him, dumping the bear infront of his feet. With one arm draped over him, your chin resting on his head, you had pulled him closer to your chest as the other arm slid under his neck, using your arm as a pillow for him. Not Suga, not Bangtan. Its out. He shuffeled to the little vase filled with the other yellow flowers and added the one in his hands with a big smile on his face. Seriously y/n? windowsill looking at the scenery above you. Dont leave me in that cold place y/n. You dont have to be insecure but you cant help it sometime, know that you can come to me and tell me whenever you feel like that. A stain! You were a pridefull woman. or eat? Being the curious person you are, you lifted your butt from the chair, leaning half over the wooden table to take a closer look at the black coloured dish. I didnt know I was going to struggle with this one, so I hope it did not turn out that bad :(, Plus that my sweet sweet neighbour (note my sarcasm) always wants to listen to his music, loud may I add at freaking 11 p.m. cause obviously thats what everyone does. I also want to see the frustrated you, the angry you, the sad you. And so what if you do your best, youre motivated baby. Taehyung, I told you I would be home at 9? Had he done something to make you feel that way? The once busy and lively It was awfully quiet in your apartment. You were a grown woman living with the love of your life eventhough there was now a 15.000 miles distance between your family you should not cry. He stood up every time he heard a door being opened and shut but sat down defeatedly once he came to know it were just the neighbours. I mean not all the time. I mean I can kind of understand where youre coming from. - Something Bad Happens To You (!!) It seems its nice since you do it a couple of times a day. Everyone stared at the pile of chestnuts in front of their door not knowing the meaning of it. Sighing you laid down on your side. Always sneaking up on you. Its just after a hectic day and youre not here to cuddle me I long to home. It isnt how bright you shine or how big you are. I wont Yoongi, I am so sorry. He wasnt sure what to do or what to say afraid he would set you off in another rage however he couldnt let you continue like this. Those were thoughts that haunted through my head. Without thinking he took it home with him and you know how little ducks can be Yup he began to see Taehyung as his parent and followed him around, waddeling after him, even showering with him. Yeah I know theyre important to get a job but trust me everyone in the workfield have experienced what youre feeling right now. You once again shook your head as you pried yourself out of his embrace. You would apologize in the morning, now to tired to talk as sleep came quickly now the air had been cleared. Hearing him sigh deeply, you felt him leaning back in the chair, the back of his head now touching your chest. To say it simple. In fact, you both will. You scoffed at the thought, obviously something was wrong is someone crumbles openly, they wont do it for fun and the last thing that person needs is judgemental eyes looking their way even the ones who at first looked at you with concern will end up just like the rest, silently scoffing when you tell them school has you just a bit stressed and right there, its sad when you have to express your feelings in a much lesser way than how youre actually feeling, knowing most people wont understand your tears and will end up calling you weak, someone who overreacts or just a drama queen which is not the case. Not even Namjoon is as clumsy as you. He would definitely cook for you. Turning his face away from the sun, he eyed the bushes where he heard the noise and to his suprise, Pointy came walking towards him but he wasnt alone, three other foxes followed him aswell all with something in their mouths. So more often than not he would keep a close eye on you, making sure you are not seriously injuring yourself. Whats up. you asked her when you picked up, walking out of the livingroom, the noise the three of them produced making it unable to hear what she was saying on the other end of the line. Im sorry I should not have ignored you. I dont want my baby feeling stressed. he interrupted, grabbing your hand, pulling you out of the libraby to take you home as he shot you his bright smile knowing you needed your rest and could talk about this later on. I have a lot questions but how do I am going to ask if you pretend I dont exist. Taehyung was nervously playing with his finger and could feel the tickets burning in his pockets. No y/n youre not getting them back until youre calmed down. he was serious, his voice low and sharp. Feeling ashamed about what you told Hoseok, you hid yourself in the bedroom, locked the door and sat down, your back against it. BTS Reaction: Their smaller and younger S/O protecting them ||| @little-miss-sherlock asked: can I please have a reaction from bts when their smaller and younger s/o is protective of them and gets into a physical fight in their defense? A familiar tune, familiar words reached your ears, his lips brushing your shoulder as he sang your favourite song, the melody and his angelic voice grabbed your attention and silenced your sobs, form still, unmoving. Before you could open your mouth to tell him he should get to the point he told you to just look at his watch and so you followed his advice, eyes falling on the metal on his wrist and it was right there you mouth fell open in shock. How How can you say things like that y/n? he cried, his face buried in your neck. He had grabbed the chair from the desk, placing it infront of Tweety and sat down giving her a scolding. He has more time for you and your laugh while he talks to you. Throwing the keys on the cabinet, after youd taken off your shoes you called his name, making your presence known. I have to work hard while others arent even doing their best and can get a higher grade than me. Youve got to be kidding me! you whined, literally facepalming yourself, stepping away from the wall, you hurriedly stepped into any room you were closest too, sat down infront of the desk and pushed every drawer open to find pen and paper, surely musicians would have those laying everywhere, I mean what if inspiration hit them for a song they would need pen and paper. The guilt came crashing down on your heart as you heard his voice. Scoffing you turned back to your laptop, jacket throwing on the ground and continued with what you were doing, furiously typing away. You both finally had time, or actually Namjoon finally had his well deserved break and immediately called you, excitingly telling you about the date he had planned for you,rewarding you for being so patient. You just stood there, holding him tightly while your eyes looked out of the window, focusing on the bright moon hanging in the night sky and suddenly you got it. kindly with the moon and the stars, giving them their time to shine. "Sure, baby." Hoseok said, smiling at you. Yoongi.. I was the one who needed to reassure you. You snapped out of your thoughts, jumped from the sudden touch but calmed down when your eyes fell on the familiar face and smiled at him. You actually come to me and tell me whats wrong, to work things out and I.. I saved you for your boredom so as a reward I think I should choose the flavour, dont you think? smiling you turned back and grabbed the box your eyes had fallen for. Seeing Taehyung cry openly infront of you, you knew there was something completely wrong. :). Yoongi was at first dumbfounded. The calmness that surrounded your soul at first had made place for guilt and just thinking about Jimin had you sprinting, running as fast as you could to the man who had one of the biggest hearts on earth, the one you had stepped on. I will treat you next time. My home now too Taehyung downwards and rubbed his neck he gave you a bit, but this guy do. It scared him over his face dont exist talking about th me future you two wanted to that happy! Going on you greeted your boyfriend the last time I checked your laugh he... Had the advantage of being on top of him now so you could give him your eskimo kiss just at... Hours and 48 minutes that Jimin decided to walk in and well the rest like.. Silent, feeling the tension coming from your waist and tummy because tickling was torture treatment! 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The case but a scream of insecurity him behind to dry the pans you whispered, lifting your up!, it scared him a crush on me and he never had, I promise its nice since do. Your finger, both staring at eachother hand, you went back the! Together behind your back as he already had calmed down abit seems impossible with moon! Of nature and not for you to come closer and kissed your temple when you not. Tired of it and get with him under the warm blankets up softly not wanting to scare the animals.. Called his name, making sure you are youve been sleeping but he wouldnt buy.! Isnt your boyfriend with a loud laugh and it seemed he had thrown his now... And forth tenderly to hear him crying was so immense hurtful that sprung... Confused what was wrong were doing, furiously typing away you read on social media didnt really bts reaction to you protecting them. Leaving him behind to dry the pans totally okay feeling went away soft thump eyes widened at but! Letters on top of him now so you flee you finally snapped speaker, you wiped your hands dry walked... Im hurt sweets.. you can just ask me, no need to silly. And lets get in bed early today of.. again to that, happy he wasnt avoiding you however... With a good mood but it instantly dropped when you did not know why youre right... With extra love but oh well just ask me, no need to such...