Increases jump height of the target and their party for 60 "kickall reason", lgo (or) listgameobjects ==> List all active game objects, listplayerids (or) lpi ==> Lists all players with their IDs for ingame commands, listplayers (or) lp ==> lists all players, listthreads (or) lt ==> lists all threads, loggamestate (or) lgs ==> Log the current state of the game, loglevel = Telnet/Web only: Select which types of log messages are shown, logPlayerOwnedEntities (or) logpoe ==> Logs player owned entities, mapdata ==> Writes some map data to an image, mem = Prints memory information and unloads resources or changes garbage collector, memcl = Prints memory information on client and calls garbage collector, networkclient (or) netc ==> Client side network commands, networkserver (or) nets ==> Server side network commands, placeblockrotations (or) pbr ==> Place all rotations of the currently help block, pplist ==> Lists all PersistentPlayer data, profilenetwork ==> Writes network profiling information, profiling ==> Enable Unity profiling for 300 frames, reloadentityclasses (or) rec ==> reloads entityclasses xml data, removequest ==> usage: removequest questname, repairchunkdensity (or) rcd ==> check and optionally fix densities of a chunk, resetallstats ==> Resets all achievement stats (and achievements when parameter is true), saveworld (or) sa ==> Saves the world manually, say ==> Sends a message to all connected clients, setgamestat (or) sgs ==> sets a game stat, settargetfps ==> Sets the target FPS the game should run at (upper limit), settempunit (or) stu ==> Set the current temperature units, settime (or) st ==> Set the current game time, show ==> Shows custom layers of rendering, showalbedo (or) albedo ==> enables/disables display of albedo in gBuffer, showchunkdata (or) sc ==> shows some date of the current chunk, showClouds ==> Artist command to show one layer of clouds, shownexthordetime ==> Displays the wandering horde time, shownormals (or) norms ==> enables/disables display of normal maps in gBuffer, showspecular (or) spec ==> enables/disables display of specular values in gBuffer, showtriggers ==> Sets the visibility of the block triggers, smoothworldall (or) swa ==> Applies spme vatched smoothing commands, spawnentityat (or) sea ==> Spawns an entity at a given position, spawnsupplycrate ==> Spawns a supply crate where the player is, spawnwanderinghorde (or) spawnwh = Spawns a wandering horde of zombies, spectator spectatormode (or) sm ==> enables/disables spectator mode, spectrum ==> Force a particular lighting soectrum, starve hungry food ==> Makes the player starve (optionally specify the amount of food you want to have in percent), switchview (or) sv ==> Switch between fpv(first person view) and tpv(third person view), teleport (or) tp ==> Teleport the local player, teleportplayer (or) tele ==> Teleport a given player, testDismemberment (or) tds ==> Dismemberment testing toggled, thirsty ==> Makes the player thirst (optionally specify the amount of water you want to have in percent), twitch ==> useage: twitch , updatelighton ==> Commands for UpdateLightOnAllMaterials and UpdateLightOnPlayers, version ==> Get the currently running version of the game and loaded mods, visitmap ==> Visit a given area of the map. You may also use the Entity Spawner (F6) in, Spawns a wandering horde in the distance; these hordes will move generally towards the player's location when they were spawned (but not GPS at the player). Blurs the vision of the target and their party for 60 seconds. Checks points balance for Pimp Points and Special Points.