Today we talk about the last secret, the tenth The 10th cannot be reduced under any circumstances. The word was preached and the roots tried to enter more deeply into the soil. O Almighty Father, God the Most High, please have Mercy on all sinners. What is this message about? She claims the tenth secret was given to her by Gospa. I will shake the world and it will tilt. After the antichrist has unveiled himself, God will send an Angel of Peace who will take corporal form on earth and he will especially help those who are being martyred. The favorite action of the devil is temptation. Part of the Series of Visions (more on the After the Warning website): Satans Strategic Offensive against the Catholic Church. For this bread is for all and is meant to be shared equally. Trust in Me to be with you in daily Holy Communion at My refuges. God bless, a soul. When My enemies attack My Mystical Body, they will cause much damage, much confusion and lead many away from the Truth. However, I want to take a moment to write this short commentary, to give you, my beloved blog followers, something to ponder about for fruitful consideration. He Is also an Eternal Divine Fire of Love and Mercy and Justice. I have attempted to organize these questions by topic, and hope that you find it useful. Under My command I instruct you to pray, not just for these fallen souls, but that the persecution of ordinary men, women and children will be eliminated. UPDATE (6/16/18): The Holiday Inn Austin Airport Hotel has extended the reduced accommodation rate for the healing conference. And the door was shut. Thursday, June 19th, 2014 @ 13:48. Is this consecration not to be done openly, in full faith for all the world to see? I understood that the Great Chastisement is the Three Days of Darkness when the gates of hell are fully open on earth. It will be presented by the false prophet as part of his global plan to unite all religions in the world. And finally, Our Blessed Mother declared a future Great Chastisement if the whole of mankind did not return to following Gods Will and obeying Gods Law (Ten Commandments). It is the ultimate spiritual roadmap to the greatest and highest treasure of eternal life, Unitive Love in Union with the Paternal Heart of Papa God. They took place during short wakeful periods at night, because, during the rest of the time, I was working full-time during the day and when I had to sleep I was battling satan in demonic nightmares. They live in Meugorje. I believe that these revelations are genuine and are of God and Our Lady. The good accomplished this last weekend in the concerted prayer effort could fill volumes if it were recorded. Well, firstly, every refugeno matter how smallwill have a designated chosen soula person who will be chosen to receive communications from Heaven. This punishment, which will be brought about by the Hand of Divine Justice, through My Eternal Father, is not desirable. At first, when he spoke to us about prayer, fasting, conversion, peace, Mass, I thought it would be impossible for me, I would never have succeeded, but as I said before . The period between the Warning and the Miracle of Garabandal will be critical to the future of mankind, as the six Medjugorje visionaries and Conchita of Garabandal will be testifying on the Great Chastisement (Tenth Secret of Medjugorje), which they will have witnessed during the Warning. Please see various heavenly messages about this fact: Only God The Father Knows The Day Of The Warning I know that they love the Lord so they are doing this out of charity, but I would like to compensate them for their time and effort; And three, I need funds to have this third volume physically bound as a book and mailed to certain trusted people at refuges, so it can be multiplied in the future along with the first two volumes by God through prayer. So, you see, my beloved blog followers, this is why my heart has been rent for the past two days. Relax now, My children. In fact, the specific date that I was given was today, Tuesday, December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for the Warning (Illumination of Conscience). Well, my beloved brothers and sisters, Jesus has a way of knowing exactly what we need even when we do not understand what it is. This is due to the concerted prayer efforts of those who follow the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), the messages of Holy Love Ministries, and others, etc., such as those who follow this blog. So, potentially, that results in a huge majority of people dying by nuclear weapons ending up as lost souls in hell. But, Jesus had pity on me, so on September 19th, the Feast Day of Our Lady of La Salette, Jesus privately told me that Papa God had set the new date for The Warning as Tuesday, December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So, in Sarajevo, I had many people who joined me in this prayer. Here is a link to the article: Also, in the past, the Medjugorje visionary, Vicka, has revealed that due to the Secrets of Medjugorje, that. The skies will light up, the thunder will peal and the choirs of angels will sing in sweet unison as all Gods children will welcome the True Messiah. Amen. Jakov olo, the youngest of the Medjugorje visionaries, was born on March 6, 1971, in Sarajevo. Mirjana's Question and Answer Session. Why? So, there are billions of people who will be experiencing the worse manifestation of Gods Holy Wrath because nothing is worse than experiencing the state of hell. Accept that when you hear My Name being rejected in the world today, that this comes directly from the influence of Satan. For Ivanka, the apparition lasted about eight minutes - six minutes longer than for others. My child, the Miracles commanded by my Eternal Father will be made known soon in all parts of the Earth. As I revealed in my Easter writing, the last three visionaries will receive the Tenth Secret during the Great Warning. They will lead many away from Me and for that they will be judged harshly. And since I am not perfect, I have to figure out things just like everybody else. However, the Cardinal who had jurisdiction over La Salette told the Bishop that the Secret could not be revealed to the public unless the Pope had knowledge of it first. Well, the Holy Spirit has informed me that because The Warning might be taking place earlier than February 2022, Papa God might change the actual date for the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, so it can take place sooner during the 6-week window when satan and his devils cannot interfere with mankinds free will after The Warning has happened on earth. While betrothed, the bridegroom would then begin to build the new home, usually on family property, for the couple. Most theologians dance around this terminology because they do not want to be accused of heresy, of saying that Jesus will reign physically on earth for a thousand years. around the U.S. and around the 50 States and Puerto Rico; around the White House, around the Government buildings; around President Trump and Vice-President Pence. Unfortunately, these heavenly messages were barely noticed by mankind and resulted in little change of mankinds errant and sinful behavior before God. How long can this continue? No one has perfect discernment and much of given prophecy (private revelation) has been mitigated by prayer. A moderate punishment serves only to irritate the spirits, because they view all things with human eyes. Firstly, everything starts with The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). I would make it the greatest force in world peace. This is so new followers can understand what has been happening these past several months/past years on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. In November 2019 through the help of my friend who is a chosen messenger I was able to figure out a very devious trap that satan had set for me regarding the book. Will we miss out on anything? During mass, I saw Satans plan for a ferocious new offensive against the Catholic Church. Truly, these thoughts were coming from a superior being and are not my own because I could never think in this wayI am simply not that smart. This is important because purgatory will be definitively closed (once in for all) at the First Resurrection / Second Coming of Jesus. And I know that several chosen messengers were told by Heaven that the Warning would take place this Fall 2020 (I am even aware of an anonymous priest who was told this by the Lord). Your lips are sealed because these forces are beyond anyone or any nation. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Yes, so Russia has had a hand to play in the tragedy of abortion, too, and the almost 2 billion lives of unborn children lost in the world. So, I want to explain that there was a last-minute intervention by the Blessed Mother early Tuesday morning (December 1st) and Papa God decided that because the U.S. presidential election was not settled yet, it would affect free will too much if the Warning happened now. Today, at Holy Love Ministries (, God the Father said the following words: I invite all mankind to repose in My Heart where true peace abides. Mirjana must follow the instructions of Our Lady given to her previously regarding the unveiling of the dates of the Ten Secrets and their contents to mankind. I mean, Noah warned the ancient world while he was building the ark about the forthcoming worldwide Flood, Moses warned Pharaoh before the Ten Plagues, etc. We work together for the rest and we go forward as a team to carry out the mission and the plans for which you and your husband were created. I Am not going to stand by without warning My children of the consequences of embracing this abomination, created in the depths of Hell and inflicted upon humanity. The false visionaries will push themselves into the limelight. The persecution. However, the prophecies of evils agenda for the End Times are written in the Holy Bible, as an universal warning to Gods children, so mankind could stay alert to satan and hells agenda throughout the centuries. I have no desire in my heart to mislead anyone. This is because people tend to be still confused about this, the sequence of events. What country is not influenced by human fear where the interest of the Church and the glory of God are at stake? Thank You, Lord. So, in order to fully understand what is taking place today, people need to be open to God speaking to them and to others about His Divine Plans. However, a major variable that is controlling the timing of the Warning is the likelihood of the mark of the beast being implemented through the mandatory vaccinations. Vicka Ivankovic: Especially in the early years of the apparitions it was possible to understand more about the secrets during the interviews with Fr. I want to exalt the papacy, not make it a laughing stock. During these events, his grip on the heart of the world is loosened.. Finally, Holy Mary, as declared full of grace by the Angel of the Annunciation, is Mediatrix of All Grace, whom dispenses graces to mankind as God sees fit. So, then when I read this, I understood that the Second Coming does not occur immediately after the Three Days of Darkness ends. My special commentary about the antichrist explains much about this fact by how the grip of satan works on the souls of mankindcomparing the grip of satan to how black holes behave in outer space. Put your families first, before everything. Also, lukewarmness is not an option. However, I am not too concerned about it, because when the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happens, the Lord will reveal the Truth to everyone and so any flaws and misinterpretations regarding future prophecy will be corrected then. (I suggest people read the commentary if you would like to learn more). the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal will also take place at a location in the United States of America. And I read how the small seed of faith left by the Fatima Pope (Two Witnesses) in Jerusalem would blossom in the world; that millions of shepherds from all walks of life would rise upa gift from Our Ladys Immaculate Heartall of whom I believe would have their spiritual formation in the refuges and protected safe havens around the world. Seduced by the promises of power, wealth, control and love of self, they will reject God the Father. Plus, I am thinking about releasing a few of my writings early from the books to those who donate as an additional gift for everyone who contributes. Truly, all things are possible to God and we could be half-way through the events of the Book of Revelation, but if Papa God suddenly announces yes, this is it, the moment for the Second Coming to happenforget the rest of the Book of Revelation unfolding, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is coming NOW. (2/18/17) Blessed Virgin Mary Take these things to heart and make known the sanctuary of Christian belief I am calling this country (USA) to be, (3/22/17): Blessed Virgin Mary Dear children, the course of human history can be changed if mankind will heed My Call to establish this nation (USA) as a Christian sanctuary, (3/24/17): Jesus Christ I am calling this nation (USA) to be a sanctuary a safe place for Christian belief, (3/27/17): Jesus Christ A sanctuary is a safe haven a place of refuge away from violence To offer a safe haven to violent people is a paradox, (3/29/17): Jesus Christ You (USA) are opposing untold graces every minute you forestall My Plan, (3/30/17): Blessed Virgin Mary Dear children, you have chosen a difficult path when you chose to accommodate every sort of sin and error rather than to challenge such things, Special Commentary (January 2018): Armageddon Is Not What People Think By a soul, Special Commentary (February 2018): The Importance of Jerusalem, the Abomination of Desolation, and the Rebuilding of the Third Temple By a soul, Special Commentary (March 2018): Secret of La Salette It will rain with a fearful hail of animals By a soul, Special Commentary (April 2018): Understanding the Impact of the Great Warning and Great Miracle of Garabandal In Avoiding the Great Chastisement By a soul (Book of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), Special Commentary (April 2018): Hidden Vision of Third Secret of Fatima Revealed in Sister Lucys Biography By a soul As I know many people have been praying and preparing for this major event, which has now been postponed. So, please kindly pray for me and I will do the same for all of you! So many people do not understand the unfolding Divine Plan of Heaven and Our Blessed Mother for avoiding the Great Chastisement of God. And so, as I indicated earlier, I have been asking the Lord in my heart, what happens if the whole of mankind converts? It shall be as it is now, Children of the Renewal. Vicka has also said that these are the words of the Blessed Mother about the Sign of Medjugorje: She tells us not to wait for the sign on the mountain in order to convert, and in any event, all the secrets that I have confided will be realized and also the visible sign will be made manifest. Many of the prophecies given in the Book of Revelation were written in a way so that people would understand them through the use of symbols. 2. In April 2020, chosen messengers like John Leary and The Little Prophet of Love were told that the mark of the beast (embedded microchip) through the vaccinations were potentially coming in the Fall Season 2020, which would mean The Warning would be coming in the Fall Season, too. The Church will be smaller, but holy, and all will know of My One True Catholic and Apostolic Church. The ninth and tenth secrets are serious. Firstly, I want to define what the terminology, End Times, means as it refers to today and modern, current events. No more, will people treat as gods, the idols they make of celebrities and wealth. Now, I have never claimed perfect discernment. How long shall we remain stubborn? Less than a month later, Hitler marched the armies of Germany into Austria, starting WWII. However, the Holy Spirit kept nudging me to write down as much of my thoughts on this subject matter in order to help as many people as possible with one single writing. So, as a joke, I told her she looked scared and she, very seriously, told me that even I would be scared if I heard. This great act also merited Holy Mary to be called the best Advocate before God the Father, next only to Her Son. It will be made known to people how they have kept or not followed Gods Law (Ten Commandments). As I indicated, the prayer efforts from last year enabled me to write the Appeal to Pope Francis, which I believe will be instrumental in saving his soul and helping the Blessed Mother in furthering Her Peace Plans among Her children. Secondly, Our Heavenly Father (Papa God) revealed in one of His daily messages at Holy Love Ministries (, that He will no longer be giving any dates for large prayer event gatherings at the ministry site, Maranatha Spring and Shrine, in Ohio, USA. and Tenth Secrets are Grave Chastisements from God for the sins of mankind. Evil is great. No one would overrule His prerogative. They lead the world astray. The article is about what limited information has been revealed by the Medjugorje visionaries about the First Secret, which lends support to my claim that the First Secret of Medjugorje is NOT the Illumination of Conscience (The Warning of Garabandal), as well as the sequence of the unveiling of all the Secrets of Garabandal and Medjugorje. Also, I want to say, with respects to the timeline that I have given, I am not interpreting the Book of RevelationI am just giving my understanding of how prophesied events will flow based on the heavenly messages that I promote on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. That was for a reason. It will be very intense and, honestly, very frightening for them. Also, satan did not know that God was going to have the visionaries reveal the Tenth Secret first after the Great Warning. that these past two days, my heart has been rent in sadness. This is why the six visionaries of Medjugorje all have the 10th secret in common and why the Holy Mother Mary selected six visionaries at Medjugorje, not simply one visionary to announce the secrets and their dates. The battle between the evil one and God is difficult for people to understand. KING OF MERCY, Thank you from the bottom of my heart. The time is fast approaching when all communication must cease due to monitoring. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. VIDEO SUMMARY (CHRISTIAN PROPHECY FROM AUGUST 2020): This prophetic vision was given to a Charismatic Christian before the U.S. presidential election took place in November 2020. Yes! The world has been renewed by God twice so far since the Creation of mankind. And well, some of the testimonials addressed the fact of the lack of faith within the Catholic Church. A Possible Timeline Of Prophesied End Time Events. I believe that this will be made possible by a vision to those living at the refuges, but I leave it ultimately up to God as to how exactly He desires to provide these special graces. He will not try to act alone. Toggle Navigation Welcome, Bing [Bot] Profile; Messages 0; Notifications ; Account settings; Home; Forum . Those particular 7 days, people should go to Confession, if they are in need of it before the Warning encounter happens with all of mankind with Jesus. He will not stop there, for he will move at a pace which will astonish many and he will negotiate peace agreements in many war-torn nations. So, please kindly pray for me and I will do the same for all of you! Be ready and prepare, Blessed Mother said. At that time you will cease to share our messages. Without deeper roots, the plant could not stay long in its original soil. You need to have a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church by St. John Paul II. I was actually really surprised that I was able to write it so fast without any evil interference involved and it made me so happy when the next day, Tuesday, August 8, 2017, God the Father said these words at Holy Love: I am Father God Patriarch of all nations. And so, this summary is some of the thoughts that I wanted to share with you all., Understanding the Impact of the Great Warning and Great Miracle of Garabandal In Avoiding the Great Chastisement Michel Rodrigue The Time of the Refuges,, etc. So, again, those at the refuges will not miss out on any important aspect of the Divine Plan. This is why it is so important to get rid of all technology, because the eyes of the antichrist are hypnotic, causing people to lose their salvation by making them worship satan. I understood that the Consecration of Russia according to the wishes of Our Lady of Fatima is a necessary part of mitigating / averting the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje (Great Chastisement of Garabandal). That way, you, my beloved blog followers, will understand clearer a few certain matters at hand that have been happening this past year and a half. Because I want to be fair and translating a book is a hard job, especially, under time restraints; Two, I would like to give a little incentive pay for the two gentlemen whom I am collaborating with on this third book. This is the confusion that Satan wants to cause so that those genuine messengers of mine go unnoticed. When I first read the messages for the Children of the Renewal, I did not understand them. So, now, this is where Heaven needs our help. Afterwards, My children will rebuild their lives, in a manner of speaking. It was 13 years after Jakov received his tenth and last secret, September 12, 1998. Truly, let us prepare with great expectation and love in our hearts for Our Risen Lord and His Glorious Return. So, truly, the Warning was going to happen today (December 8th), until the Blessed Mother demonstrated how truly POWERFUL She Is as an Intercessor and Advocate for all mankind. They took place during short wakeful periods at night, because, during the rest of the time, I was working full-time during the day and when I had to sleep I was battling satan in demonic nightmares. The city will already have suffered much and Israel will begin to despair, wondering what can be done. A Great Chastisement, the likes of which has not been witnessed since the time of Noah, will be unleashed by God the Eternal Father. All of these events will come soon and, when the prophecies given to man from the beginning unfold, they will make perfect sense. I will bless your efforts, stirring the hearts of others to join you.. Currently, I do not know what the date is now for The Warning. The signs are being revealed consistently, but you fail to recognise them. (On July 13, 2021, I had a strange and very vivid dream. Marija also had eyes that shone, as she usually is. And The Great Chastisement, By a soul This is because God wanted a written record of this very important event for mankind to remember now and in the future. The answers are short, simple and to the point. As he and his cohorts inflict wickedness upon unsuspecting people in many nations, I will strike back. Medjugorje. The Warning is a wholly separate event in the Divine Plan and only God the Father knows the exact date of the Warning. These poor weak sinners will be a thorn in your side, children. These new locutions from Jesus have asked followers to pray and work for unity in the Catholic Church, especially, under Pope Francis. That is why, I am so looking forward to the upcoming July 13-15, 2018 Healing Conference hosted by the Apostolate of the Green Scapular in Austin, Texas. 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