SD_CONTRACT_CONDITION_TYPES-. As it is just a topic of presentation, one might argue that this formatting is UI client logic. Do you have any suggestion for this case? One aspect is known as currency conversion: calculating the amount in currency A based on the amount in currency B with a given currency exchange rate between A and B. Would you interpret all amounts in JPY? Neither will it determine reference field information. Convert between existing internal data structures and the BAPI data structures to be used in the interface. Alerting is not available for unauthorized users, Right click and copy the link to share this comment. If set to ABAP_FALSE (default) the maximum length facet for Edm.String is not considered and input with greater length is accepted. Below is the pattern details for this FM showing its interface including any import and export parameters, exceptions etc as well as any documentation contributions specific to the object.See here to view full function module documentation and code listing . It is not yet possible to use this transaction to regenerate an existing function module. I have found the doc Function Import Parameter Length Check but its only for GW ABAP 2020, where here I am at version GW ABAP 7.50 SP17. It is more likely to get a quick answer. CLEAR: lv_length. The below ABAP code uses the older none in-line data declarations. Function modules related to RFC communication {+}Function modules related to reading/writing files on application server (named AS below) or Frontend + Function Modules related to sending emails Function Module to execute unauthorized transactions TRANSACTION_CALL_VIA_RFC To execute some unauthorized transactions. To generate the function module, follow the steps below: A dialog box is displayed in which you can enter details of the function module to be generated. You may call method SET_FUNC_IMP_MAX_LEN_CHECK at the parameter (interface /IWBEP/IF_MGW_ODATA_PARAMETER) to set it to ABAP_TRUE or ABAP_FALSE. CURR with the length 31 and 14 decimal places. As a prerequisite for the example, the currencies and conversion rules must be available in the corresponding database tables. Default: Content of the client column of the current row, If "X" (default value), the intermediate result of the conversion is rounded to the end result using commercial rounding; else it is truncated. (sorry, it's been a while since I wrote in abap). Converting Between Int. @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_UNTCNV', @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_CURRCO', @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_DCSHFT', Source currency from column MSEHI of database table, Target unit from column MSEHI of database table, Client whose rules are used to perform the unit conversion. The ABAP code below is a full code listing to execute function module SD_CONVERT_CURRENCY_FORMAT including all data declarations. I described it in some more detail in the following blog post. Here, the target unit is passed to the parameter in question. SD_CONVERT_CURRENCY_FORMAT is a standard SAP function module available within R/3 SAP systems depending on your version and release level. In the field Function group, enter the name of the function group to which the generated function module is to be added. You may want to compare this to the example provided in the second blog post of the series. The table contains the following columns: Indicates if the conversion is possible or if data is missing. In ABAP-based SAP software, currency information is stored in the TCUR* tables and it makes sense to handle the described formatting in the backend. I will not go into details about OData version 4.0. The FM SAP_CONVERT_TO_CSV_FORMAT has, in fact, an input parameter I_LINE_HEADER which, if set, would allow you to insert the header line in the file. The Function Module AIA_TOOL_CURRENCY_SAP_TO_EXTER (Convert currency amount and code from SAP into external format) Note that the actual selection parameters and function module may vary depending on your SAP system configuration and data requirements. With just a few lines you can bind your internal table to an Excel worksheet and output it, either in Excel in-place or to a file on your PC or or on the app server. As you will see in the links I have been challenged to try and fight this by writing a series of blogs myself about ABAP2XLSX, as clearly even after ten years no-one has heard of it. ELSEIF lv_dcpfm EQ space. on the basis of the client-specific rules saved in the database tables TCUR of package SFIB. ELSEIF lv_dcpfm EQ lc_y. Here is an example for an OData version 2.0 service. . Target currency from column WAERS of the DDIC database table TCURC. with the domain prefix CDSBOOLEAN (case-sensitive) or the literals and is part of the function group AIPB The SELECT statement calls a currency conversion in its SELECT list for the column AMOUNT of the DDIC database table DEMO_PRICES. No additional Philips Hue hub required. As a comparison, the same conversion is also performed using the function module CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY. But how does the framework behave during OData request execution? See here to view full function module documentation and code listing, simply by entering the name SD_CONVERT_CURRENCY_FORMAT into the relevant SAP transaction such as SE37 or SE80. I will create a blog on this one for future colleagues. It is not to be confused with currency conversion. With the annotation term SAP__measures.ISOCurrency, an amount property (annotation target) gets a path assigned that points to the currency property. This function module does not define any Exceptions. Existence of an installed Excel program on the PC or app server is not required. In our example, the unconverted string 123 become a string 123.00 for EUR, and this is moved as 123.00 to the field typed with NETWR_AK. After the conversion, the result is divided by 10 to the power of the number of decimal places of the target currency. To finalize the formatting process, the minus sign for negative values is re-positioned from the end of the string to the front. #cdsboolean.true, #cdsboolean.FALSE, and Currently, there are only two exceptions: CLF and UYW with a minor unit of 4. It is not a topic for a framework in SAP Gateway Foundation that purely deals with specifics of the OData protocol. To connect to SAP and get sales data using Python, we can use the pyrfc library which allows Python to interact with SAP systems through Remote Function Calls (RFCs). On occasion, a deviating number of decimal places is required to specify prices, for example, at German petrol stations the price per liter in EUR has three decimals to the right of the decimal point. Now, we know something about the service model. statement. UNIT_CONVERSION( p1 => a1, p2 => a2, ) | CURRENCY_CONVERSION( p1 => a1, p2 => a2, ) Ex 5000000 should show up as 50,00,000. In the event of an error, for example if a conversion between the entered units is impossible, the result is reset to zero. Like the reference fields in the ABAP dictionary, CDS views provide annotations to express if a field contains a currency code and to which currency code field an amount relates to: Again, the SAP Gateway Foundation framework evaluates this information to create appropriate service metadata. SD_CONVERT_CURRENCY_FORMAT is a function module in SAP Logistics Execution application with the description Konvertierung von W. Table of Contents SD_CONVERT_CURRENCY_FORMAT : SAP Documentation, Help/Wiki pages, and Q&A Related Tables for SD_CONVERT_CURRENCY_FORMAT Related FMs for SD_CONVERT_CURRENCY_FORMAT REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF lc_dot IN lv_amount_1 WITH space. This function module does not define any TABLE parameters. In the event of an error, for example when a currency is not available, an exception is raised. [1] P LENGTH 8 can store 2 * 8 1 (the sign) = 15 digits. At this point in time, the formatting is done using function module CURRENCY_AMOUNT_SAP_TO_IDOC. My question might be at the wrong place but you might be able to refer me to the right place. This function module does not define any Exceptions. SELECT SINGLE dcpfm FROM usr01 INTO lv_dcpfm WHERE bname EQ syuname. Hello everyone, I want to share with you some information (hopefully useful) about exporting a table to a .csv file in ABAP. Here's an example code to get started: import pyrfc import pandas as pd # SAP connection parameters params = { 'user': 'username', 'passwd': 'password', 'ashost': 'hostname', 'sysnr': 'system_number', 'client': 'client_number . The Euro (EUR) has two decimal places to refer to cents. Is it just a parameter of /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~execute_action? *" The Curr field, which is the required format PARAMETER :w_tgt type BAPICURR-BAPICURR. Thanks for checking out and commenting, Srgio Fraga. Nils Janen The colleagues suggested to post the question in the Fiori Elements Community:, Alerting is not available for unauthorized users, Right click and copy the link to share this comment, get_parameters has the value with 18 chars but the type is char(19), get_parameters_converted gets a value with 18 chars since it truncates at 18th position. Thanks, Nils. To conclude, currency amount formatting is a function that helps to display amounts with the correct number of decimal places according to the specification of an associated currency. CURRENCY_CONVERSION( p1 => a1, p2 => a2, ) "" has been around for quite awhile and has more than passed the acid test. DECIMAL_SHIFT( p1 => a1, p2 => a2, ). The value passed is rounded to two decimal places before it is converted. lv_amount_2 = lv_amount_1. In OData versions 2.0, the situation is a little more difficult. Lets look at one version: select options. Please help keep this info upto date and use the comments section below to add useful hints, tips and information specific to this SAP function. These exceptions are described in. As For this we require the currency key and the amount that needs to be converted. TRANSLATE lv_amount_1 USING lc_con. In summary, in this post I wanted to share a code that I wrote to get the header to add to a csv file produced by an FM implemented by SAP (since this function module does not manage this functionality). The target currency is passed as a host variable. You also need to consider that table TCURC may contain entries that do not correspond to ISO currencies and may specify any number of decimal places, for example, USDN with 5 decimal places. The function CURRENCY_CONVERSION performs a currency conversion for the value passed to the formal parameter amount. Lets start by looking at the outbound case, that is, the data transfer from the data provider to the http response (refer to this blog post for an overview). Answer is to use the BAPI function designed for that purpose: Data: Result type bapicurr-bapicurr CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_CURRENCY_CONV_TO_EXTERNAL' EXPORTING currency = 'JPY amount_internal = '10' IMPORTING amount_external = Result. Default: Content of the client column of the current row, Error handling. It needs to be part of the filter expression, too. Because the primary key field WAERS in currency code table TCURC is the SAP-specific coded representation of currencies. Admin; CA-DMS; Conversion functions for converting between units and between currencies in a In the field Function group, enter the name of the function group to which the generated function module is to be added. Or, would you consider 123.00 in any currency or only in those with 2 decimal places? the column DEC3 of the database table DEMO_EXPRESSIONS. The intermediate result of the conversion is rounded to the end result using commercial rounding; otherwise, it is truncated. type. Its value is produced by multiplying the input parameter rounded to two decimal places by 10 to the power of two minus the decimal places defined by the currency passed. As a comparison, the same conversion Srgio Fraga. These rules can be edited using transaction OB08. In OData services delivered by SAP, the maximum length of a currency code property is 5. Did I mix it up with currency conversion? Hence, Edm.Decimal is the natural primitive type to be used. We will focus on currency amounts. The highest precision is achieved on databases that support If "X" (default value), the decimal places of the result are moved as specified by the decimal places of the target currency (see below). Call transaction SE37 with function module CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY. Built in Smart Home hub. is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP However, examining the code I found this comment within the FM SAP_CONVERT_TO_TEX_FORMAT (called within the FM SAP_CONVERT_TO_CSV_FORMAT): The function CURRENCY_CONVERSION performs a currency conversion for the value passed to the formal parameter amount. To use the CONVERT_CURRENCY function, the currency conversion tables TCURV, TCURX, TCURN, TCURR, and TCURF must be available in the SAP HANA database. V56O keyword parameters p1, p2, (some of Investigating the reason I saw that in the versions of SAP I use there is a comment according to which the standard FM does not manage the possibility of inserting a header line in the .csv file. SD_CONTRACT_PROPOSE_CONDITIONS- The reverse is also not possible. length check on and off? This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. It does, and it has also been decided to include some of the formatting features in that layer. Next, we establish the SAP connection using pyrfc.Connection and call the function module with the selection parameters to extract the sales data. Internally, these literals are handled like the values "X" or " ". You may receive the converted information for a specific property in the table of select options in the following ways: Internally, this method uses a two-step approach. The FM SAP_CONVERT_TO_CSV_FORMAT has, in fact, an input parameter I_LINE_HEADER which, if set, would allow you to insert the header line in the file. Associated Function Group: If it does not work as just described, ensure that you check the data type used in the backend, the reference field information in the ABAP dictionary, and the structure binding or the unit property setting in your metadata provider class. If the type of the actual parameter passed to amount has two decimal places, its value is set to the number of decimal places of the passed currency. Hence, the reverse amount formatting cannot be executed either. No matter how the conversion is made, the same results cannot be expected as when using standard function modules for currency conversion, since these modules are generally less precise and round the intermediate results accordingly. We also specify the SAP function module BAPI_SALESORDER_GETLIST which can extract sales order data from SAP. Specifying a scale of 2 would support most currencies, such as EUR or USD, but would not fit to JPY and TND (see above). is also performed using the function module UNIT_CONVERSION_SIMPLE. statement. Example: For VBAK-NETWR the currency information from VBAK-WAERK is used. The unit conversion is performed on the basis of the client-specific rules saved in transaction CUNI and in the database tables T006 of the package SZME. Finally, we close the SAP connection using, Note that the actual selection parameters and function module may vary depending on your SAP system configuration and data requirements. The function module is stored in the Function Builder in the function group you specified. If we need to convert amount format based on country then we can use the below code snippet to change the format to the particular format followed by any country. The content of such an ABAP field is transferred into a string when the data is handed over to the internal data container of the SAP Gateway Foundation framework. You can use a max length which is even bigger, say 100, but you would nevertheless check in your application code that the payload does not exceed 18 characters. thank you very much for this detailled explanation. To repeat: the result is a string with the formatted currency amount. The following CDS view entity performs a currency conversion in the SELECT list for the column AMOUNT of the DDIC database table DEMO_PRICES. This will allow you to compare and fully understand the new inline method. A typical domain is WERTV8 with length 15 and two decimals[1]. We also specify the SAP function module. Later versions of SAP Gateway Foundation allow for creation of OData services based on CDS (Core Data Services) through mapped data sources (MDS), referenced data source (RDS), or auto exposure. Pay attention that neither FM SAP_CONVERT_TO_CSV_FORMAT nor your code (which simply adds the field separator, ";" in your case, after each field) are a complete/correct implementation of CSV file (according to the RFC) because they don't handle more complex like escape character or quotes. Add the Hue Hub for whole-home smart lighting (up to 50 light points) and bonus features. which are optional), to which the actual parameters a1, a2, must be assigned when called using =>. Here's an example code to get started: In this example code, we first define the SAP connection parameters including the username, password, hostname, system number, and client number. Finally, we close the SAP connection using conn.close(). These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module. It first derives the internal value in string format using function module CURRENCY_AMOUNT_IDOC_TO_SAP_L and then moves the string value into the correctly typed field using the built-in ABAP type conversions. Currency from column WAERS of database table. If you use other data types or other decimal settings, the determination will not work as expected. is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP that the decimal places are determined directly by the currencies passed. Hence, your service will not show the relationship and the SAP Gateway Foundation framework will not use it for amount formatting. Using the same input, the output is similar as the above example. As a comparison, the same conversion is also performed The decimal places of the source value are moved as specified by the decimal places of the source currency (see below). Now, currencies are often provided in units and sub-units, that is, the currency amounts allow for different numbers of decimals to the right of the decimal point. The result has the data type CURR with the same technical attributes as the actual parameter passed to amount. Comparing OData versions 2.0 and 4.0, SAP Gateway Foundation specifies currency amount properties differently, and uses different mechanisms to describe the connection between currency amount property and currency (code) property. Similarly, the framework evaluates reference field information in the dictionary and translates this into proper OData metadata. The presentation of currency amounts on a user interface or in print forms must observe those specifications. Call transaction SE37 with function module CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY. the framework will use the ABAP dictionary information of the ABAP structure (database table VBAK in this case). If we apply structure binding. TRANSLATE lv_amount_1 USING lc_con. In addition to the source text for the function module you can have a blank . Lets start by shedding some light on those questions. Seems like that with Function Import it doesnt work. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed. They get more attention there and experts find them easier. To regenerate an existing function module you must first manually delete the function module and then generate it afresh. Below is the pattern details for this FM showing its interface including any import and export parameters, exceptions etc as well as any documentation contributions (Comments) specific to the object. This characteristic can be set for function import parameters in the model provider class. I hope this information will be useful to you. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. The facet scale that has been randomly selected for OData version 2.0 is not considered! Released Date: And thanks for your contribution. Displays the fields of the internal structure to which/from which mapping is to be carried out. Table TCURC connects this SAP-specific code to the alphabetic ISO code. In any case, the SAP Gateway Foundation framework is fundamentally not able to return select options if two different properties are combined with or (note 1671893). No matter how the conversion is made, the same results cannot But you can easily translate the statements and examples to quantities, for example. If the parameter is not set, the system will not determine conversion-related information from the ABAP dictionary (refer to the first blog post of the series). Hang on, isnt that a pure user interface topic? The annotations can also be set for OData version 2.0 services depending on your UI client technology. We also rename and convert the date and time columns to pandas datetime format. ***Convert to SAP external format WRITE lv_internal TO lv_external CURRENCY lv_waers. The SAP Gateway Foundation framework offers a method to retrieve filter information as select options in GET_ENTITYSET methods of the data provider class. Data Formats and Structures. Nevertheless, the sap:semantics attribute will be there it is purely derived from the data type of the field in the ABAP structure and not regarded as conversion-related. A currency would be considered with the following filter expression: $filter=TotalNetAmount gt 123 and TransactionCurrency eq JPY. currencies with decimal places between 0 and 5. DECIMAL_SHIFT( p1 => a1, p2 => a2, ). This will then be available for you and other users to easily find by simply searching on the object name SD_CONVERT_CURRENCY_FORMAT or its description. :to_currency as currency } The program DEMO_CDS_CURRENCY_CONVERSION accesses the view in a SELECT statement. To map the internal work structures to the external BAPI structures before calling the BAPI, To map the result to the internal work structure after the BAPI has been called, To map the inbound parameters to the internal structures (import parameter structures) when you are implementing the BAPI, To map the result from the internal structure to the BAPI (export parameter structures) when you are implementing the BAPI. Formatting? and Ext. All of that is business functionality deeply embedded into the logic of the different application components. Please note some of the newer syntax such as the @DATA is not available until a later 4.70 service pack (SP8). Client whose rules are used to perform the currency conversion. Exchange rate date for column GDATU of the DDIC database table TCURR. The target currency must be passed as a parameter. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY' EXPORTING CLIENT = SY-MANDT DATE = sy-datum FOREIGN_AMOUNT = lv_foramt FOREIGN_CURRENCY = lv_forcurr LOCAL_CURRENCY = lv_loccurr RATE = 0 TYPE_OF_RATE = 'M' READ_TCURR = 'X' IMPORTING * EXCHANGE_RATE = * FOREIGN_FACTOR = LOCAL_AMOUNT = lv_locamt * LOCAL_FACTOR = * EXCHANGE_RATEX = * FIXED_RATE = * So, you need to have a currency (code) property nearby which is typically a representation of the ISO 4217 alphabetic code. OData version 4.0 knows the symbolic value variable for the facet scale of Edm.Decimal to express that the number of decimals to the right of the decimal point can vary between 0 and a precision-dependent maximum. In the latter case, the ABAP OData library deserializes the request body into the ABAP structure where the currency amount is stored as a string. 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